1999 Publications
E. Alba, C. Cotta, J.M. Troya, Evolutionary Design of Fuzzy Logic Controllers Using Strongly-Typed GP, Mathware & Soft Computing, 6:1-16, 1999
E. Alba, J.M. Troya, A Survey of Parallel Distributed Genetic Algorithms, Complexity 4(4):31-52, 1999
Book Chapters
M.Belmonte, C.Cotta, I.Gomez, J.Pastrana, F.Rus, E.Soler, Mejora Docente en Elementos de Programación, Manuel Cebrián de la Serna (ed.), Desarrollo Profesional y Docencia Universitaria, pp. 15-30, Servicio de Publicaciones Universidad de Málaga, 1999
Referred Conferences
E. Alba, ¿Puede un Algoritmo Evolutivo Paralelo Proporcionar Ganancia Superlineal?, Actas CAEPIA-TTIA'99 Vol. 2, pp. 89-97, 1999
E. Alba, C. Cotta, J.M. Troya, Numerical and Real-Time Analysis of Parallel Distributed GAs with Structured and Panmictic Populations, Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computing (CEC), Volume 2, IEEE Press, pp. 1019-1026, 1999
C. Cotta, E. Alba, J.M. Troya, Stochastic Reverse Hillclimbing and Iterated Local Search, Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computing (CEC), Volume 2, IEEE Press, pp. 1558-1565, 1999
E. Alba, J.M. Troya, Tackling Epistasis with Panmictic and Structured Genetic Algorithms, Late Breaking Papers Book, S. Brave, A.S. Wu (eds.), pp. 1-7, 1999
E. Alba, C. Cotta, J.M. Troya, Entropic and Real-Time Analysis of the Search with Panmictic, Structured, and Parallel Distributed Genetic Algorithms, Proceedings of the GECCO, W. Banzhaf et al. (eds.), Morgan Kaufmann, pp. 773, 1999
C. Cotta, E. Alba, J.M. Troya, Improving the Scalability of Dynastically Optimal Forma Recombination by Tuning the Granularity of the Representation, Proceedings of the GECCO, W. Banzhaf et al. (eds.), Morgan Kaufmann, pp. 783, 1999
E. Alba, J.M. Troya, An Analysis of Synchronous and Asynchronous Parallel Distributed Genetic Algorithms with Structured and Panmictic Islands, Parallel and Distributed Processing, J. Rolim et al. (eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1586, pp. 248-256. Springer-Verlag, 1999
E. Alba, C. Cotta, On-Line Tutorial on Evolutionary Computation, Advances in Soft Computing: Engineering, Design, and Manufacturing, Roy, R., Furuhashi, T. Chawdhry, P.K. (eds.), pp. 603-604, Springer-Verlag, 1999
C. Cotta, Transmisión Diversificada de Formas: una Estrategia Prometedora para Problemas Basados en Permutaciones, Proceedings of the Eighth Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence, A.Mª García, R. Rizo, S. Moral, F. Toledo (eds.), Vol II, pp. CE:73-80, 1999
C. Cotta, J.M. Troya, Tackling Epistatic Problems using Dynastically Optimal Recombination, Computational Intelligence. Theory and Applications, Reusch B. (ed.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1625, pp. 197-205, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1999
C. Cotta, J.M. Troya, Optimal Discrete Recombination: Hybridising Evolution Strategies with the A* Algorithm, Engineering Applications of Bio-Inspired Artificial Neural Networks, Mira J., Sánchez-Andrés J.V. (eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1607, pp. 58-67, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1999
M.V. Belmonte, C. Cotta, I. Gómez, J.L. Pastrana, J.A. Pedreira, F. Rus, J. Sánchez, E. Soler, ESPUMA. Mejora Docente en Elementos de Programación, Actas de las Jornadas sobre la Enseñanza Universiaria de la Informática, pp. 175-180, EUPLA, Zaragoza, 1999
PhD Dissertation
E. Alba, Análisis y Diseño de Algoritmos Genéticos Paralelos Distribuidos, Tesis Doctoral, Universidad de Málaga, Marzo 1999
Technical Reports
E. Alba, C. Cotta, J.M. Troya, Entropic and Real-Time Analysis of the Search with Panmictic, Structured, and Parallel Distributed Genetic Algorithms, Technical Report LCC-ITI 99/7, Dept. of Lenguajes y Ciencias de la Computación, University of Málaga, 1999
C. Cotta, E. Alba, J.M. Troya, Improving the Scalability of Dynastically Optimal Recombination by Tuning Representation Granularity, Technical Report LCC-ITI 99/6, Dept. of Lenguajes y Ciencias de la Computación, University of Málaga, 1999