2002 Publications
E. Alba, M. Tomassini, Parallelism and Evolutionary Algorithms, IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, IEEE Press, 6(5):443-462, October 2002
E. Alba, A.J. Nebro, J.M. Troya, Heterogeneous Computing
and Parallel Genetic Algorithms, Journal of Parallel and Distributed
Computing, 62(9):1362-1385, September 2002
E. Alba, Parallel Evolutionary Algorithms Can Achieve
Super-Linear Performance, Information Processing Letters, Elsevier,
82(1):7-13, April 2002
C. Cotta, P. Moscato, The k-FEATURE
SET Problem is W[2]-Complete, Journal of Computer and System
Sciences, (to appear)
C. Cotta, J.M. Troya, Embedding Branch and Bound within
Evolutionary Algorithms, Applied Intelligence, (to appear)
C. Cotta, P. Moscato, A Mixed-Evolutionary Statistical
Analysis of an Algorithm's Complexity, Applied Mathematics Letters,
(to appear)
E. Alba, C. Cotta, J.M. Troya, On the Importance of
the Grid shape in 2D Spatially Structured Genetic Algorithms, Journal
of Evolutionary Optimization, (to appear)
Alba, S. Khuri, Sequential and Distributed Evolutionary
Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems, A. Abraham et
al. (eds.) Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing Series. , chapter ??, pp.
??. Springer Verlag, 2002
Alba, C.Cotta, F. Chicano, A.J. Nebro, Parallel Evolutionary
Algorithms in Telecommunications: Two Case Studies, (eds.), CACIC'02,
Buenos Aires (ARG), 2002 (to appear)
Alba, F. Almeida, M. Blesa, C. Cotta, M. Díaz, I. Dorta, J. abarró,
J. González, C. León, L. Moreno, J. Petit, J. Roda, A. Rojas,
F. Xhafa, MALLBA: A Library of Skeletons for Combinatorial
Optimisation, Monien B., Feldmann R. (eds.), Proceedings of the Euro-Par,
Paderborn (GE), LNCS 2400, pp.927-932, 2002
Nebro, E. Alba, F. Luna, J.M. Troya, .NET as a Platform
for Implementing Concurrent Objects, Monien B., Feldmann R. (eds.),
Proceedings of the Euro-Par, Paderborn (GE), LNCS 2400, pp. 125-129, 2002
Alba, M. Giacobini, M. Tomassini, S. Romero, Comparing
Synchronous and Asynchronous Cellular Genetic Algorithms, J.J. Merelo
et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the Parallel Problem Solving from Nature VII,
Granada (SP), LNCS 2439, pp. 601-610, 2002
Alba, A.J. Nebro, F. Chicano, Heterogeneidad, WAN y
Nuevas Aplicaciones de los Algoritmos Evolutivos Paralelos, Alba
E. et al. (eds.), Actas del Primer Congreso Español de Algoritmos Evolutivos
y Bioinspirados (AEB'02), Mérida, pp. 402-409, 2002
Alba, C.Cotta, Optimización en Entornos Geográficamente
Distribuidos. Proyecto MALLBA, Alba E. et al. (eds.), Actas del Primer
Congreso Español de Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados (AEB'02), Mérida,
pp. 38-45, 2002
Cotta, P. Moscato, Inferring Phylogenetic Trees Using
Evolutionary Algorithms, Parallel Problem Solving From Nature VII,
J.J. Merelo et al. (eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2439, pp. 720-729,
Springer-Verlag Berlin, 2002
Cotta, J. Muruzábal, Towards More Efficient
Evolutionary Induction of Bayesian Networks, Parallel Problem Solving
From Nature VII, J.J. Merelo et al. (eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science
2439, pp. 730-739, Springer-Verlag Berlin, 2002
Moscato, L. Buriol, C. Cotta, On the Analysis of Data
Derived from Mitochondrial DNA: Kolmogorov and a Traveling Salesman give their
Opinion, Advances in Nature Inspired Computation: the PPSN VII Workshops,
D. Corne et al. (eds.), pp. 37-38, PEDAL, University of Reading, 2002
R. Nogueras, C. Cotta, On Partitioned Fitness Distributions of Genetic Operators for Predicting GA Performance, Soft Computing in Industry - Recent Applications, R. Roy, M. Koeppen, S. Ovaska, T. Furuashi, F. Hoffmann (eds.), pp. 729-739, Springer-Verlag, 2002