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Other Variants
G. Ghiani, F. Guerriero, G. Laporte amd R. Musmanno. “Real-Time Vehicle Routing: Solution Concepts, Algorithms and Parallel Computing Strategies”, European Journal of Operational Research 151: 1-11, Elsevier, 2003.
H. Glaab. “A New Variant of a Vehicle Routing Problem: Lower and Upper Bounds”, European Journal of Operational Research 139: 557-577, Elsevier, 2002.
G. M. GIAGLIS, I. MINIS, A. TATARAKIS, V. ZEIMPEKIS . “Minimizing Logistics Risk through Real-Time Vehicle Routing and Mobile Technologies: Research To-Date and Future Trends”, International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, Vol. 34, No. 9, pp.749-764. 2004.Download
Real World Applications
G.W. Kinney Jr., R.R. Hill, J.T. Moore. “Devising a Quick-running heuristic for an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) routing system “, Operational ^M Research Society 1-11, 2004.
R.W. Harder, R.R. Hill, J.T. Moore. “A Java universal vehicle router for routing unmanned aerial vehicles “, International Transaction in Operational ^M Research 11, 259-275, 2004.
S. Baptista, R.C. Oliveira and E. Zúquete. “A Period Vehicle Routing Case Study”, European Journal of Operational Research 139:220-229, Elsevier, 2002.
W-C. Chiang and R.A. Russell. “Integrating Purchasing and Routing in a Propane Gas Supply Chain”, European Journal of Operational Research 154: 710-729, Elsevier, 2004.
K. Hirota, F. Dong, K. Chen and Y. Takama. “Vehicle Routing, Scheduling and Dispatching System Based on HIMS Model”, N.R. Pal and M. Sugeno (eds.): AFSS 2002, LNAI 2275, Springer-Verlag, pp 76-84, 2002.
B. Kazak and K. Altinkemer. “Optimization of Multi-Feeder (Depot) Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing with Error Guarantees”, European Journal of Operational Research 150: 370-394, Elsevier, 2003.
N.F. Matsatsinis. “Towards a Decision Support System for the Ready Concrete Distribution System: A Case of a Greek Company”, European Journal of Operational Research 152: 487-499, Elsevier, 2004.
L. Özdamar, E. Ekinci and B. Küçükyazici. “Emergency Logistics Planning in Natural Disasters”, Annals of Operations Research 129: 217-245, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004.
R. Ruiz, C. Maroto and J. Alcaraz. “A Decision Support System for a Real Vehicle Routing Problem”, European Journal of Operational Research 153: 593-606, Elsevier, 2004.
E. Sambracos, J.A. Paravantis, C.D. Tarantilis and C.T. Kiranoudis. “Dispatching of Small Containers via Coastal Freight Liners: The Case of the Aegean Sea”, European Journal of Operational Research 152: 365-381, Elsevier, 2004.
C.D. Tarantilis, D. Diakoulaki and C.T. Kiranoudis. “Combination of Geographical Information System and Efficient Routing Algorithms for Real Life Distribution Operations”, European Journal of Operational Research 152: 437-453, Elsevier, 2004.
D.V. Tu and A. Pinnoi. “Vehicle Routing-Scheduling for Waste Collection in Hanoi”, European Journal of Operational Research 125: 449-468, Elsevier, 2000.
K.G. Zografos and K.N. Androutsopoulos. “A Heuristic Algorithm for Solving Hazardous Materials Distribution Problems”, European Journal of Operational Research 152: 507-519, Elsevier, 2004.