VI. |
In areas such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, or symbolic processing, we find many problems whose resolution can be considered as the search of a computer program, inside a space of possible programs that produce some desired outputs from the inputs. This search should be carried out in such a way that the searched program be the more adequate to the problem that we are considering.
The genetic programming (GP) paradigm provides us the appropriate framework to develop this type of search in an efficient and versatile way, since it adapts to any problem type, i.e., it is very robust.
The paradigm of genetic programming is based on the principle of survival of fittest (C. Darwin). Starting from an randomly-generated initial population, it evolves populations following this principle. The new individuals are a product of genetic operations on the current population's better individuals. In connection with the genetic algorithms (GAs), GP shares with these the philosophy and the characteristics of being heuristic and stochastic.
Inside the area of the machine learning, we find several paradigms focused toward the resolution of problems. In each paradigm the used structures are different:
Connectionist Model: the solution to the problem is given as a group of real-valued weights that indicate if the value of the signal that goes by a certain connection of a neural network is amplified or diminished.
Evolutionary Model: the solutions are fixed-length strings (in the classic model). Each chromosome represents a possible solution to the problem. A conventional genetic algorithm is applied to obtain the best solution (or a good enough solution) among all possible solutions.
Inductive Model: according to this paradigm the solutions to a certain problem are given by decision trees. Each one of these trees classifies each instance of the problem in classes, for which a possible solution exists.
Each one of the mentioned models can be more or less effective solving a certain problem type. The approach that is used to determine the efficiency of a method is, in the first place, the flexibility to adapt to several types of problems, and in second its easiness to represent the solutions to this problem in a natural and comprehensible way for the user. Computer programs offer flexibility:
to perform operations with variables of
different types.
to carry out operations conditioned to the
results obtained in intermediate points.
to carry out iterations and recursions.
to define routines that can be used later on.
This idea of flexibility includes the concepts of flexibility in the size, the form and the structural complexity of the solution. That is to say, the user should avoid stating any type of explanation or previous imposition on the size or form of the solution. The true power of GP resides in its capacity of adaptation to the problem, for what the considerations on the size, the complexity or the form of the solution should emerge during the own resolution process.
The importance of the representation of the solutions resides in that the genetic algorithms manipulate the structure of this representation directly and not the own solution.
String-representations do not directly provide the hierarchical structure
of programs. Also, the adaptation of the form, size and complexity of individuals becomes very
difficult. Therefore, GP has spread toward more complex representations that contribute the
needy flexibility. Smith introduces the strings of variable length and
Genetic algorithms are used in a wide range of applications thanks to the adaptation of their evolutionary structures. For example as classification systems, as the system designed by Wilson for the classification of boolean functions (Wilson, 1987). Goldberg introduced the Messy genetic algorithms that handle populations of individuals represented by strings of characters of variable length (Goldberg, 1989b).
GP uses programs like individuals, but the division of opinions appears with its implemnetation. Cramer uses strings of characters of constant length to generate programs with a certain structure (Cramer, 1985). Fujiki and Dickinson have developed a system that is based on the generation of programs that use simple conditional sentences of LISP (COND) (Fujiki, Dickinson, 1987).
As we have already seen, the resolution of many problems can be modelled as an evolutionary process in which the fittest individual survive. The simulation of this evolutionary process begins with the aleatory generation of an initial population, composed by computer programs that represent the individuals. These programs are generated starting from the group of functions and terminal elements that adapt better to the problem to solve. In most cases, the election of the group of terminal and non terminals (functions) is critical to make the algorithm works properly.
For example, if we want to generate complex mathematical functions it is interesting to introduce in the group of non terminals such functions as sines, cosines, and so on. For graphic applications, it is usually quite normal to introduce primitive of the type Line, Circle, Torus that graphically represent figures in diverse ways.
The appropriateness of each program is measured in terms of how of well it performs in the environment of the particular problem. This measure is denominated fitness. A program is generally evaluated in different representative cases, and the final measure of its fitness will be an average of all the measures (one for each case). Usually, the result of the genetic algorithm is the best individual generated in generation n, being n the maximum number of generations.
GP performs, in a genetic way, computer programs executing the three following steps:
1) Randomly generate the initial population, using the group of terminals and functions for the considered problem. 2) Iteralively carry out the following steps until the termination criterion is satisfied:
b) Create a new population applying genetic operators on the selected individuals:
ii) Crossover. 3)Take the best solution of the final population. |
Figure 1. Steps of a GP.
In this section, we describe an application of GP in which individuals (trees) are not computer programs in a traditional sense. Every tree will represent a set of fuzzy rules intended to solve a control problem (the cart centering problem -Figure 2-, described and analytically solved in (Koza, 1992)). The underlying target programming language is neither C, PASCAL nor LISP. We use a fuzzy interpreter in order to compile and run the resulting fuzzy rules on our specific problem.
Figure 2. The Cart Centering Problem.
A Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) is a rule-based system that tries to incorporate the flexibility of human-decision making by means of the use of fuzzy set theory (Lee, 1990). The rules of an FLC incorporate fuzzy linguistic terms (e.g. temperature is warm) described by membership functions. These functions are intended to represent human expert's conception of the linguistic terms, thus giving an approximation of the confidence with which a precise numeric value is described by a linguistic label.
Rules take the form IF [conditions] THEN [actions], where conditions and actions are linguistic labels applied to input and output variables respectively (e.g. IF temperature IS hot THEN refrigeration IS high). A set of such fuzzy rules constitutes the fuzzy rule-base of the FLC. The system uses this rule-base to produce precise output values according to actual input values. This control process is divided into three stages:
Figure 3. Phases of fuzzy interpreter.
The fuzzy interpreter used in this work performs fuzzification via triangular membership functions, uses the min intersection operator, the maxmin method for fuzzy inference and the centroid procedure for defuzzification (for comparation purposes with (Thrift, 1991)).
In this section a description of the cart centering problem will be made. Next, it will be shown how the principles of fuzzy control can be applied to this problem, outlining an ad-hoc solution.
A cart with mass m can move along an infinite one-dimensional frictionless track. The problem consists in centering the cart, in minimal time, by applying an external time-variant force (of maximal magnitude F) so as to accelerate the cart in either the positive or the negative direction of the track.
This problem can be further formulated as calculating a force F(t) = F[x(t), v(t)] in order to place the cart in position x(tf)=0 with velocity v(tf)=0 in minimal tf.
The exact time-optimal solution consists in applying a force F(t)=F when
and -F otherwise.
This system can be simulated using Euler's method considering time steps ():
As an optimal control problem, the cart centering problem is well-suited for fuzzy control. In order to develop an FLC for this system we take several steps:
Figure 4. Fuzzy sets for position, velocity and force.
We can define a human-expert conception of a solution as follows:
The associated FLC rule-base can be expressed as:
The FLC defined by the membership functions and the rule-base described above is not the optimal one. It can be improved by means of a learning technique that modifies the rule set or the interpretation of the linguistic terms. Genetic algorithms have been used for that purpose in both ways (Thrift, 1991), (Karr, 1991), (Lee, Takagi, 1993), (Feldman, 1993). We propose the use of GP to produce rule bases that can be used as a starting point for further refinements by a human expert.
1. Encoding a Rule-Base
As stated above, the rule-base of the FLC is a list of IF-THEN rules. Each of them can be easily represented as a binary tree: the root being an IF node and left and right branches representing the condition and the action sides respectively. Likewise, both conditions and actions can be expressed as trees. On the one hand, a variable paired with a fuzzy set can be represented as a tree with an IS root-node, the variable name in the left branch and the fuzzy set in the right branch. On the other hand, a conjunction of such terms can be expressed as a tree with an AND root-node and two branches representing nested conjunctions or pairs (variable, fuzzy set). Figure 5 shows an example.
::= EL | <IF> | <RLIST> ::= <TREE> <TREE> RLIST ::= <COND> <ACT> IF ::= <L_IS> | <L_AND> ::= <VBLEIN> <SET> LEFT_IS ::= <COND> <COND> LEFT_AND ::= <R_IS> | <R_AND> ::= <VBLEOUT> <SET> RIGHT_IS ::= <ACT> <ACT> RIGHT_AND ::= NL | NS | ZE | PS | PL ::= VEL | POS ::= FOR |
Likewise, both conditions and actions can be expressed as trees with an IS root-node, the (in/out) variable name in the left branch and the fuzzy set in the right branch. A conjunction of such terms can be expressed as a tree with an AND root-node and two nested conjunctions branches.
2. Add types to the Trees
The flexibility of our tree representation makes crossover a very powerful tool since it
allows interchange at several levels: rules, terms or even variables and fuzzy sets. Since
traditional crossover may produce nonsense rules we can:
Since the first option will produce a high number of useless trees (dummy rules) and the second one is computationally expensive and will produce offsprings very different with respect to the parents, we have chosen the third option.
Crossover selects one random subtree from every parent. The selection of the root nodes of the two subtrees is forced to have the same type.
3. Refine types to keep consistency
Output variable |
4. Conclusions
The GP design of fuzzy logic controllers is a more flexible and natural way that traditional GAs since no a priori constraints are posed on the shape of the solution (in fact this shape also evolves): the complexity of the solutions are not bounded by the algorithm.
By including fuzzy sets in the trees we can also evolve them through their union and intersection, thus refining initially (hand-crafted) user proposed fuzzy set.
A typed system that defines the composition of the solution trees allows to keep strings feasibility at runtime at a low cost and prevents the GA of useless wanderings along the search space => more complex problems can be tackled.
The GP solution clearly outperforms intuitive solutions and is competitive with other genetic-based solutions regarding the time to dock the cart and in keeping a low level of complexity and the number of fuzzy rules.