Appendix A |
Bibliography of Application-Related Research |
Genetic Algorithms as Heuristics for Optimizing ANN Design
Technical Report, Dpto Lenguajes y Ciencias de la Computación, Universidad de Málaga, 1992.
Aplicación de los Algoritmos Genéticos para el Diseño de Redes Neuronales
F. Sáez de Vacas (ed), Informática y Automática, pp 22-35, Vol. 26 Nom. 2, Madrid, 1993.
ISSN 0214-932X
Full Automatic ANN Design: A Genetic Approach
J. Mira, J. Cabestany y A. Prieto (eds), IWANN'93. New Trends in Neural Computation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 686, pp 399-404, Springer-Verlag, Sitges, 1993.
ISBN 3-540-56798-4
Genetic Algorithms as Heuristics for Optimizing ANN Design
R.F. Albrecht, C.R. Reeves y N.C. Steele (eds), ANNGA'93. Artificial Neural Nets and Genetic Algorithms, pp 683-690. Springer-Verlag, Innsbruck, 1993.
ISBN 3-211-82459-6
Load Balancing and Query Optimization in Dataflow Parallel Evaluation of Datalog Programs
Lionel M. Ni (ed), ICPADS'94. Proceedings of the 1994 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Taiwan. IEEE Computer Society Press, pp 682-688.
ISBN 0-8186-6555-6
D2: A Model for Datalog Parallel Evaluation
M. Alpuente, R. Barbuti, I. Ramos (eds), GULP-PRODE'94. Proceedings of the 1994 Joint Conference on Declarative Programming, Vol II, pp 60-74, 1994.
A Genetic Algorithm for Load Balancing in Parallel Query Evaluation for Deductive Relational Databases
D.W. Pearson, N.C. Steele, R.F. Albrecht (eds), ICANNGA'95. Artificial Neural Nets and Genetic Algorithms, pp 479-482. Springer-Verlag, 1995.
ISBN 3-211-82692-0
Type-Constrained Genetic Programming for Rule-Base Definition in Fuzzy Logic Controllers
John R. Koza, David E. Goldberg, David B. Fogel, Rick L. Riolo (eds.), Proceedings of the First Annual Conference on Genetic Programming, Stanford Univ., Cambridge, MA. The MIT Press, pp 255-260, 1996.
ISBN 0-262-61127-9
Genetic Algorithms for Protocol Validation
H. M. Voigt, W. Ebeling, I. Rechenberg, H. P. Schwefel (eds), Proceedings of the PPSN IV International Conference, Berlin. Springer-Verlag, pp 870-879, 1996.
ISBN 3-540-61723-X
Grain, Topology and Object Orientation in Parallel Genetic Algorithms
Dpto. de Lenguajes y Ciencias de la Computación, Universidad de Málaga, 1997.
A New Interpretation of Schema Notation that Overturns the Binary Encoding
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Genetic Algorithms (pp. 86-91), Schaffer J.D. (ed.), Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, CA, 1997.
Reducing Bias and Inefficiency in the Selection Algorithm
Proceedings of the Second ICGA, pp 14-21, LEA publishers, 1987.
Evolution and Biocomputation
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 899, Springer-Verlag, 1995.
Extended Selection Mechanisms in Genetic Algorithms
Proceedings of the 4th ICGA, pp 92-99, R. K. Belew and L. B. Booker (eds.), Morgan Kaufmann, 1991.
Self-Adaption in Genetic Algorithms
Proceedings of the first european conference on artificial life, pp 263-271, F. J. Varela and P. Bourgine (eds.). The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1992.
Optimal Mutation Rates in Genetic Search
University of Dortmund. Department of Computer Science, D-44221 Dortmund.
Parallel Genetic Algorithms on Distributed-Memory Architectures
Technical Report 436 (revised version), May 1993.
An Analysis of Reproduction and Crossover in a Binary-Coded Genetic Algorithm
Proceedings of the 2nd ICGA, Morgan Kaufmann, pp 9-13, 1987.
PARLOG: Parallel Programming in Logic
ACM Trn. on PL & S, pp 1-49, 1986.
Hybridizing Genetic Algorithms with Branch and Bound Techniques for the Resolution of the TSP
Artificial Neural Nets and Genetic Algorithms, D.W. Pearson, N.C. Steele, R.F. Albrecht (editors), Springer-Verlag, Wien New York, pp. 277-280, 1995.
ISBN 3-211-82692-0
Evolutionary Design of Fuzzy Logic Controllers
IEEE Catalog Number 96CH35855, Proceedings of the ISIC'96 International Conference, Detroit. Dearborn, MI pp 127-132, 1996.
ISBN 0-7803-2978-3
A representation for the adaptative generation of simple sequential programs
Proceedfings of International Conference on Genetic Algorithms and their Applications, 1985.
The Parallel Parlog User Manual
Imperial College, London, pp 1-40, 1989.
Applying Adaptive Algorithms to Epistatic Domains
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Morgan Kaufmann, pp 162-164.
Adapting Operator Probabilities In Genetic Algorithms
Proceedings of the Third ICGA, Morgan Kaufmann, pp 61-67, 1989.
Bit-Climbing, Representational Bias and Test Suite Design
Proceedings of the Fourth ICGA, Morgan Kaufmann, pp 18-23, 1991.
Handbook of Genetic Algorithms
Van Nostrand Reinhold Library, 1991.
An Investigation of Niche and Species Formation in Genetic Function Optimization
Proceedings of the 3rd. ICGA pp 42-50, Morgan Kaufmann, 1989.
An Analysis of the Behavior of a Class of Genetic Adaptive Systems
PhD Dissertation, University of Michigan, 1975.
Técnicas Heurísticas Distribuidas frente a Técnicas Tradicionales
para la Resolución de Problemas
Proyecto fin de carrera, Universidad de Málaga, 1997.
Feldman, D.S.
Fuzzy Network Synthesis with Genetic Algorithms
In Forrest S. (Ed.), Procs. of the Fifth International Conference on Genetic Algorithms, Morgan Kaufmann Pub., San Mateo CA. Pages 312-317, 1993.
Genetic Algorithm Programming Environments
IEEE Computer Journal, 1994.
Artificial Intelligence Through Simulated Evolution
John Wiley, New York, 1966.
Optimization of Genetic Algorithms by Genetic Algorithms
Proceedings of the ANNGA'93 pp 392-399, Springer-Verlag, 1993.
Using the genetic algorithm to generate LISP source code to solve the prisoner's dilemma
Genetic Algortihms and Their Applications, 1987.
Alleles, loci and the traveling salesman problem
Proceedings of an International Conference on Genetic Algorithms, In Grefenstette, J.J. (ed.), Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale.
Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization and Machine Learning
Addison-Wesley, 1989.
Messy genetic algorithms: Motivation, analysis and first results
Complex Systems, 1989.
Don't Worry, Be Messy
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Genetic Algorithms (pp.24-30), Belew R.K., Booker L.B. (eds.), Morgan Kaufmann, San MAteo CA, 1991.
ASPARAGOS: An Asynchronous Parallel Genetic Optimization Strategy
Proceedings of the 3rd ICGA pp 422-427, Morgan Kaufmann, 1989.
Optimization of Control Parameters for Genetic Algorithms
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol. SMC-16, No. 1, January/Febuary, 1986.
Genetic Algorithms and their Applications
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1987.
Towards the Genetic Synthesis of Neural Networks
Proceedings of the Third ICGA, Morgan Kaufmann, pp 360-369, 1989.
Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems
University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, 1975.
Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms
Computer Science Press, 1987.
Karr, C.L.
Design of an Adaptive Fuzzy Logic Controller using a Genetic Algorithm
In Belew R.K., Booker L.B. (Eds.), Procs. of the Fourth International Conference on Genetic Algorithms, Morgan Kaufmann Pub., San Mateo CA. Pages 450-457, 1991.
Neural Optimization network for minimum-via layer assignment
Neurocomputing 3, pp 15-27, 1991.
Advances in Genetic Programming
MIT Press, Cambridge MA., 1994.
Genetic Programming
Bradford Book, The MIT Press, 1992.
Branch and Bound Methods: A Survey
Operations Research 14:699-719.
Fuzzy Logic in Control Systems: Fuzzy Logic Controller
Parts I & II, IEEE Transacts. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 20:2. pp 404-435, 1990.
Dynamic Control of Genetic Algorithms using Fuzzy Logic Techniques
In Forrest S. (Ed.), Procs. of the Fifth International Conference on Genetic Algorithms, Morgan Kaufmann Publ., San Mateo CA. Pages 76-83, 1993.
Coarse-Grain Parallel Genetic Algorithms: Categorization and New Approach
Michigan St. Univ. (to appear in Parallel & Distributed Processing), Oct. 1994.
Predicting Convergence Time for Genetic Algorithms
Technical Report (20 pages), January 1993.
An investigation of several Parallel genetic algorithms
Univ.of Buckingham, MK 18 IEG, pp 60-67.
Crossover Interactions Among Niches
Proceedings of The First IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation, Volume I pp 1-529, 1994.
A Fine-Grained Parallel Genetic Algorithm for Distributed Parallel Systems
ICGA'93, pp 184-190, 1993.
Genetic Algorithms + Data Structures = Evolution Programs
Springer-Verlag, 1992.
Strongly Typed Genetic Programming
BBN Technical Report #7866, 1993.
On Evolution, Search, Optimization, Genetic Algorithms and Martial Arts: Towards Memetic Algorithms
Caltech Concurrent Computation Program, C3P Report 826, 1989.
An Efficient Migration Scheme for Subpopulation-Based Asynchronously Parallel Genetic Algorithms
HIER-IS-9301 (July), 1993.
The Dynamics of Evolution and Learning - Towards Genetic Neural Networks
Connectionism in Perspective, pp 173-197, 1989.
Parallel genetic algorithm, population dynamics and combinatorial optimization
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Genetic Algorithms (pp. 416-421), Schaffer J.D. (ed.), Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo CA, 1989.
Limitations of multi-layer perceptron networks - steps towards genetic neural networks
Parallel Computing 14, pp 249-260, 1990.
Analysis of Selection, Mutation, and Recombination in Genetic Algorithms
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 899, pp. 142-168, Banzhaf W., Eeckman F.H. (eds.), Springer-Verlag, 1995.
A Study of Permutation Crossover Operators on the Traveling Salesperson Problem
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Genetic Algorithms and their Applications (pp. 224-230). Grefenstette, J.J.(ed.), Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, 1987.
A Theoretical Investigation of a Parallel Genetic Algorithm
Proceedings of the 3rd ICGA, Morgan Kaufmann, pp 398-405, 1989.
An Analysis of a Simple Genetic Algorithm
Proceedings of the 4th ICGA, Morgan Kaufmann, pp 215-221, 1991.
Evolutionstrategie: Optimierung technisher Systeme nach Prinzipien der biologischen Evolution
Fromman-Holzboog Verlag, Sttutgart, 1973.
Modern Heuristic Techniques for Combinatorial Problems
Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, 1993.
The Traveling Salesman - Computational Solutions for TSP Applications
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 840, Springer-Verlag, 1994.
Diseño de un Interfaz Gráfico para la Interpretación de Imágenes Generadas Utilizando Programación Genética
Proyecto fin de carrera, Universidad de Málaga, 1996.
The ARGOT Strategy: Adaptive Representation Genetic Optimizer Technique
An Adaptive Crossover Distribution Mechanism for Genetic Algorithms
S. F. Smith
A Learning System Based on Genetic Adaptative Algorithms
University of Pittsburg, 1980.
Dynamic, Genetic, and Chaotic Programming
Wiley, 1992.
An Analysis of Multi-Point Crossover
Proceedings od the Foundations odf Genetic Algorithms Workshop. Bloomington, IN, 1990.
Crossover or Mutation?
Navy Center for Applied Research in Artificial Intelligence. Proceedins of the foundation of Genetic Algorithms Workshop. Vail, CO, pp 221-237, D. Whitley (ed.), Morgan Kaufmann, 1992.
Parallel Genetic Algorithms: Theory and Applications
IOS Press, 1993.
Algoritmos Genéticos Paralelos para problemas combinatorios sobre sistemas multiprocesadores de memoria distribuida
Proyecto Fin de Carrera, Universidad de Málaga, 1994.
Schedule Optimization using Genetic Algorithms
in (Davis, 1991b).
Distributed Genetic Algorithms
Proceedings of the 3rd ICGA pp 434-439, Morgan Kaufmann, 1989.
Fuzzy Logic Synthesis with Genetic Algorithms
In Belew R.K., Booker L.B. (Eds.), Procs. of the Fourth International Conference on Genetic Algorithms, Morgan Kaufmann Pub., San Mateo CA, pp 509-513, 1991.
Evolutionary Algorithms
Research at the University of Portsmouth, Internal Report, 1994.
Extending an Object Oriented Concurrent Logic Language for Neural Network Simulations
F. Informática de Málaga, IWANN'91, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, pp 235-242, 1991.
Classifier systems and the animat problem
Machine Learning, 1987.
Using Reproductive Evaluation to Improve Genetic Search and Heuristic Discovery
in Genetic Algorithms and their Applications, John J. Grefenstette, editor. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1987.
The GENITOR Algorithm and Selection Pressure: Why Rank-Based Allocation of Reproductive Trials is Best
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Genetic Algorithms, Schaffer J. (ed.) Morgan Kaufmann, pp 116-121, 1989.
Optimizing Neural Networks Using Faster, More Accurate Genetic Search
Proceedings of the Third ICGA, Morgan Kaufmann, pp 391-396, 1989.
Genetic Algorithms and Neural Networks: Optimizing Connections and Connectivity
Parallel Computing 14, pp 347-361, 1990.