(Cotta, Aldana, Nebro, Troya, 1995)
GAs and B&B techniques are in some way antithetical methods for combinatorial-optimization-problem solving, at least with regard to the observable characteristics during the solving of such a problem. A straightforward comparison of both methods yields the following considerations:
The features above make difficult to combine both techniques as shown next.
A first possibility for GAs and B&B techniques to work together is executing both procedures independently and in parallel, that is, at the same level. Both processes will enclose the solution but coming from different directions: the GA will provide an upper bound of the optimal solution whilst the B&B algorithm produces a lower bound of it. Those bounds will become closer and closer along the execution. There are two ways of obtaining a benefit of this parallel execution:
Figure 1. Direct collaboration scenario.
Clearly, it is necessary to find an alternative approach in order to establish a productive collaboration between both techniques. At first and according to the functioning features mentioned, there exist two ways of harmonizing their performances, each one focusing in trying to make use of one of the collaboration options above. On the one hand, it is possible to reduce the combinatorial explosion which limits the effectiveness of a B&B algorithm by imposing some restrictions to the problem. On the other hand, parallel execution of many GAs may heighten their power.
The first option is represented by a strategy which has produced good results in a wide range of problems: build and Hybrid Genetic Algorithm (HGA). For the second one, it is more interesting a mixed approach (including restrictions in the B&B side too) than a pure one.
In the model described next, the GA plays the role of a master and the B&B algorithm is incorporated as a tool of it. From the point of view of the GA, this is perhaps the most elegant option and the one that implies a bigger cohesion.
VIII.1.2.1 Hybridizing a Genetic AlgorithmAs mentioned, the key feature of a GA is its robustness: binary representation and simple binary crossover and mutation operators provide problem-domain independence. However, such an algorithm will never be the best to solve a certain problem because, as in nature, every niche (optimization problem) is dominated by species (algorithms) specifically adapted to it. In fact, almost every specialized algorithm will outperform a GA.
It is possible, anyway, to improve a GA performance applying some techniques and knowledge used by other algorithms, although this implies a loss of robustness. There are three main principles in order to incorporate those items:
Basically, the principles above show that a good use of all the theoretical basis of the specialized algorithm must be done. For example, the representation function of it will usually be based on experience in solving that problem, so its use will exploit that domain-knowledge. On the other hand, the specialized algorithm will normally use an efficient procedure to interpret that encoding and it can be also included in the HGA.
VIII.1.2.2 A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm to solve the TSPTo hybridize a GA incorporating B&B techniques and knowledge requires applying the principles mentioned above. A promising way of doing that is to build a hybrid operator with the philosophy of B&B. The idea underlying this option is shown next.
Figure 2. Outline of the Hybrid Genetic Algorithm (HGA).
As mentioned, the information related to the goodness of a certain tour is contained in the edges between nodes (in fact, they carry the weights of a connection). This information must be transmitted generation to generation using the genetic operators. Specifically, the information carried by some ancestors should be recombined to create some offsprings using a crossover operator. However, the classical existing operators usually introduce a great amount of new information since the produce offsprings including edges not appearing in any ancestor. That is why some advanced operators, such as Edge-Recombination, are created. This one guarantees that an offspring will inherit a 95% of its genetic information from its ancestors. The operator described next assures that an unique offspring will be created using only edges from the ancestors (i.e. without any implicit mutation).
The functioning of this operator is as follows: the B&B algorithm starts from a list of all edges in the graph with information related with associated weights. This operator is a restricted version of the B&B algorithm in which only the edges that appear in the ancestors are taken into account . The offspring obtained will not only 100% composed by its ancestors’ edges but it will also be the best solution that can be build using those edges (i.e. the operator has a high heuristic charge).
The net effect of this operator is to link low-cost subtours existing in the ancestors, or their construction. In fact, considering these elements as the building blocks of the problem the B&B algorithm would build them and glue together (injecting them into the GA as mentioned in 6.1).
VIII.1.2.3 Aspects of the hybrid operator useIt is clear that the restricted TSP solution carried out by the described operator is faster and does not have the memory limitations of the base case since it turns from solving a problem with (n^2)/2 edges to another with 4n edges in the worst case. However, this operator is going to be used a high number of times and its computational complexity is much higher than other operators such as edge-recombination, so the execution time of a GA that makes an intensive use of this operator might reach untenable values.
The first preventive measure in order to decrease the computational effort of the algorithm is a combined use of many crossover operators. Since the hybrid-operator complexity is determined by the number of edges taken into account, its use could be restricted to those occasions in which the ancestors share a good amount of edges (in the best case -the trivial one- only n edges are considered), using a standard operator in any other situation. A feasible model involves calculating the number of different edges of both ancestors, normalizing it (considering that the minimum is n and the maximum is 4n), and performing a random test based on this number in order to select which operator to use, the hybrid one or the standard one.
The described model has not only the advantage of reducing execution time but it also mitigate another drawback of the operator, the greediness of its heuristic functioning. This behaviour may even cause that no recombination takes place (when the best way to combine the edges is precisely one of the ancestors). Standard edge-recombination operator can produce offsprings whose fitness value is lower than the ancestors’ and introduce a little amount of mutation too. In this way, using the model above resembles a thermodynamic system: in early stages temperature (disparity between individuals) is high and the standard operator is often used, thus grouping building blocks. As the system freezes the heuristic operator becomes more used. In those late stages the probability of an important block not being carried due to the greediness of the operator is lower. Another less desirable side effect of this operator is the tendency to a fast convergence that induces in the GA. Combining two rather poor individuals may frequently result in offsprings with a much higher fitness value than the ancestors. The apparition of these superindividuals (Davis, 1991b) may lead to a big loss of diversity and the sooner it occurs the more dangerous it is. This effect can be relieved introducing a higher mutation rate, with the risks that come with it. VIII.1.2.4 Improving the model. ParallelismIn spite of the use of the described model, execution times (although decreased) are still high so another strategy must be used to optimize the process. One of the most suitable options is parallelizing it. There exists some alternatives in order to carry out that parallelization. The following ones can be mentioned:
Figure 3. Outline of the Asynchronous Hybrid Genetic Algorithm (AHGA).
It is possible that this overlapping provides a positive side effect: problems related to superindividuals where mentioned in 4.3.3. However, inserting them in the population many evolutionary cycles later may allow average fitness to increase enough not to suffer (or to suffer less) because of the presence of those individuals.
The other way to close up characteristics of B&B techniques and GAs is to heighten the power of the later ones in order to adequate them to a B&B speed. This heightening can be achieved by means of parallelly executing many GAs. This is a very general model since GAs can execute independently or establish some kind of collaboration between them, periodically interchanging a part of their populations (Suárez, 1994).
VIII.1.3.1 Describing the modelIn the simplest scenario, a B&B algorithm executes in parallel with a certain number of GAs. It is possible that many GAs provide good bounds in less time, although they will generally produce solution of similar magnitude and different structure, so the problem queue will seldom be purged (though in the worst case it equals the direct collaboration model). Consequently, it is necessary to develop a more complex model.
Figure 4. Outline of the parallel evolution model.
Notice one of the main problems of the B&B algorithm when applied to the TSP: a high number of edges must be considered. The complexity of the algorithm can be decreased by reducing this number of edges. Two extreme situations are the base case (in which every edge is taken into account) and the described hybrid operator (which only considers edges from two individuals). There exist intermediate positions between these extremes that consider a higher or lower number of edges. In order to delete those "bad" edges information from the GAs can be used.
The model outlined above can be described as follows. There is a generalized hybrid operator that recombines n individuals. Such operator is placed in a master process that controls m GAs, where n = k·m. Periodically, every GA send to the operator k individuals (e.g. the best k). The probable diversity in the structure of individuals provided by independent GAs will contribute to make that almost every edge suitable to be part of the optimal solution be included in any individual, and many non-suitable edges will not be taken into account.
VIII.1.3.2 Variations and improvementsThere exist many variations that take as reference the strategy above. two fairly significant ones are: