Articles DB

Network Design Problems

Converter placement in all-optical networks using genetic algorithms.
C. Vijayanand, M. Shiva Kumar, K.R. Venugopal and P. Sreenivasa Kumar
Computer Communications, Vol. 23 (13) (2000) pp. 1223-1234
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Sonet Ring Sizing with genetic algorithms.
Nachimuthu Karunanithi and Tamra Carpenter
Computer Ops. Res., Vol. 24 No. 6 (1997) pp. 581-591
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Digital data networks design using genetic algorithms.
Chao-Hsien Chu, G. Premkumar and Hsinghua Chou
European Journal Of Operational Research Vol. 127 (1) pp. 140-158
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Hybrid genetic algoritm for transmitter location in wireless networks.
R.M. Krzanowski and J. Raper
Computer Environment and Urban Systems Vol. 23 (1999) pp. 359-382
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Heuristic Algorithms for the terminal assignement problem.
S. Khuri and T. Chiu
Proceedings of the 1997 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, ACM Press, 1997, pp. 247-251
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Using genetic algorithms to solve the radio frequency assignment problem.
A. Kapsalis, V. J. Rayward-Smith and G. D. Smith

Proceedings 2nd Int. Conf. Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms, pp 37 - 40, (1995)
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Genetic algorithms for planning cable telecommunication networks.
P. Cortes, J. Larrañeta, Luis Onieva, J. M. García and M. S. Caraballo.

Applied Soft Computing, Article 3, pp 1-13. (2001)
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A hybrid genetic algorithm approach for backbone design of communication networks.
Abdullah Konak and Alice E. Smith.

Proceedings of the 1999 Congress on Evolutionary Computation
Washington D.C. IEEE, pp 1817-1823
(1999)   [LaTeX Ref.]


Routing Problems

A genetic-based fault-tolerant routing strategy for multiprocessor networks.
Peter K.K. Loh and Venson Shaw

Future Generation Computer Systems Vol. 17 (2001) pp. 415-423 
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QoS routing based on genetic algorithm.
F. Xiang, L. Junzhou, W. Jieyi and G. Guanqun

Computer Communications Vol. 22 (15-16) (1999) pp. 1392-1399
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Error Correcting Code

Parallel Genetic Simulated Annealing: A Massively Parallel SIMD Algorithm.
Hao Chen, Nicholas S. Flann, and Daniel W. Watson

IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 9, No. 2, February 1998 
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