Gabriel Luque Homepage


[Journals] - [Books] - [Book Chapters] - [Conference Papers] - [Other Papers]


Zakaria Abdelmoiz Dahi, Enrique Alba, Gabriel Luque, A takeover time-driven adaptive evolutionary algorithm for mobile user tracking in pre-5G cellular networks. Appl. Soft Comput. 116: 107992 (2022)

Tomohiro Harada, Enrique Alba, Gabriel Luque, A fresh approach to evaluate performance in distributed parallel genetic algorithms. Appl. Soft Comput. 119: 108540 (2022)

Abdelkamel Ben Ali, Gabriel Luque, Enrique Alba, An efficient discrete PSO coupled with a fast local search heuristic for the DNA fragment assembly problem. Inf. Sci. 512: 880-908 (2020)
Andrea Villagra, Enrique Alba, Gabriel Luque, A better understanding on traffic light scheduling: New cellular GAs and new in-depth analysis of solutions. J. Comput. Sci. 41: 101085 (2020)

Amr Abdelhafez, Gabriel Luque, Enrique Alba, Parallel execution combinatorics with metaheuristics: Comparative study. Swarm Evol. Comput. 55: 100692 (2020)

Eduardo Segredo, Gabriel Luque, Carlos Segura, Enrique Alba, Optimising Real-World Traffic Cycle Programs by Using Evolutionary Computation. IEEE Access 7: 43915-43932 (2019)

Amr Abdelhafez, Enrique Alba, Gabriel Luque, Performance analysis of synchronous and asynchronous distributed genetic algorithms on multiprocessors. Swarm Evol. Comput. 49: 147-157 (2019)

Amr Abdelhafez, Enrique Alba, Gabriel Luque, A component-based study of energy consumption for sequential and parallel genetic algorithms. J. Supercomput. 75(10): 6194-6219 (2019)

Abdelkamel Ben Ali, Gabriel Luque, Enrique Alba, Kamal E. Melkemi, An improved problem aware local search algorithm for the DNA fragment assembly problem. Soft Comput. 21(7): 1709-1720 (2017)

Gabriela F. Minetti, Gabriel Luque, Enrique Alba, The Problem Aware Local Search algorithm: an efficient technique for permutation-based problems. Soft Comput. 21(18): 5193-5206 (2017)

Yesnier Bravo, Gabriel Luque, Enrique Alba, Global memory schemes for dynamic optimization. Nat. Comput. 15(2): 319-333 (2016)

Yesnier Bravo, Gabriel Luque, Enrique Alba, Takeover Time in Evolutionary Dynamic Optimization: From theory to practice. Appl. Math. Comput. 250: 94-104 (2015)

Enrique Alba, Gabriel Luque, Sergio Nesmachnow, Parallel metaheuristics: recent advances and new trends. Int. Trans. Oper. Res. 20(1): 1-48 (2013)

Francisco Chicano, Gabriel Luque, Enrique Alba, Autocorrelation measures for the quadratic assignment problem. Appl. Math. Lett. 25(4): 698-705 (2012)

A.J. Nebro, G. Luque, F. Luna, E. Alba. DNA Fragment Assembly Using a Grid Based Genetic Algorithm. Computers and Operations Research. Vol. 35, No. 9 (September 2008), pp. 2776-2790 [BibTeX]
  author = {A.J. Nebro and G. Luque and F. Luna and E. Alba},
  title = {DNA fragment assembly using a grid-based genetic algorithm},
  journal = {Computers \& Operations Research},
  year = {2008},
  volume = {35},
  pages = {2776--2790},
  number = {9},
  address = {Oxford, UK, UK},
  doi = {},
  issn = {0305-0548},
  publisher = {Elsevier Science Ltd.}

E. Alba, G. Luque, F Luna, Parallel Metaheuristics for Workforce Planning, Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 509-528, 2007 [BibTeX]
  title={{Parallel Metaheuristics for Workforce Planning}},
  author={Alba, E. and Luque, G. and Luna, F.},
  journal={Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms},

E. Alba, G. Luque, J. García-Nieto, G. Ordóñez, G. Leguizamón, MALLBA: A Software Library To Design Efficient Optimization Algorithms, International Journal of Innovative Computing and Applications (IJICA), Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 74 - 85, 2007. [BibTeX]
  title={{MALLBA: a software library to design efficient optimisation algorithms}},
  author={Alba, E. and Luque, G. and Garcia-Nieto, J. and Ord\'o\~nez, G. and Leguizam\'on, G.},
  journal={International Journal of Innovative Computing and Applications},

E. Alba, G. Luque, C. A. Coello, E. Hernández, A Comparative Study of Serial and Parallel Heuristics used to Design Combinational Logic Circuits, Optimization, Methods, and Software, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 485-509, 2007 [BibTeX]
  title={{Comparative study of serial and parallel heuristics used to design combinational logic circuits}},
  author={Alba, E. and Luque, G. and Coello, C. and Hernández, E.},
  journal={Optimization Methods and Software},
  publisher={Taylor \& Francis}

J. Madera, E. Alba, G. Luque, Performance Evaluation of the Parallel Polytree Approximation Distribution Algorithm on Three Network Technologies, Revista Iberoamericana de IA, Vol. 35, No. 11, pp. 67-76, 2007 [BibTeX]
author = "Madera, J. and Alba, E. and Luque, G.", 
title = "Performance Evaluation of the Parallel Polytree Approximation Distribution Algorithm on Three Network Technologies", 
journal = "Inteligencia Artificial, Revista Iberoamericana de IA", 
number = "35", 
volume = "11", 
pages = "67-76", 
year = "2007", 
url = "", 

E. Alba, F. Almeida, M. Blesa, C. Cotta, M. Díaz, I. Dorta, J. Gabarró, C. León, G. Luque, J. Petit, C. Rodríguez, A. Rojas, F. Xhafa, Efficient Parallel LAN/WAN Algorithms for Optimization. The MALLBA Project, Parallel Computing Vol. 32, No. 5-6, pp. 415-440, 2006. [BibTeX]
  title={{Efficient parallel LAN/WAN algorithms for optimization. The mallba project}},
  author={Alba, E. and Almeida, F. and Blesa, M. and Cotta, C. and D{\'\i}az, M. and Dorta, I. and Gabarr{\'o}, J. and Le{\'o}n, C. and Luque, G. and Petit, J. and Rodr{\'i}guez C. and Rojas A. and Xhafa F.},
  journal={Parallel Computing},

E. Alba, G. Luque, L. Araujo, Natural Language Tagging with Parallel Genetic Algorithms, Information Processing Letters, Elsevier, Vol. 100, No. 5, pp.173-182, December 2006. [BibTeX]
  title={{Natural language tagging with genetic algorithms}},
  author={Alba, E. and Luque, G. and Araujo, L.},
  journal={Information Processing Letters},

G. Luque, E. Alba, Metaheuristics for the DNA Fragment Problem, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research (IJCIR), Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 98-108. 2005. [BibTeX]
  title={{Metaheuristics for the DNA Fragment Assembly Problem}},
  author={Luque, G. and Alba, E.},
  journal={International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research},

E. Alba, G. Luque, Parallel LAN/WAN Heuristics for Optimization, Parallel Computing, Vol. 30, No. 5-6, pp. 611-628. 2004. [BibTeX]
  title={{Parallel LAN/WAN heuristics for optimization}},
  author={Alba, E. and Luque, G. and Troya, JM},
  journal={Parallel Computing},

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Gabriel Luque, Enrique Alba, Parallel Genetic Algorithms. Studies in Computational Intelligence 367, Springer 2011, ISBN 978-3-642-22083-8, pp. 3-147

E. Alba, F. Chicano, F. Herrera, F. Luna, G. Luque, A.J. Nebro (editors), Actas de las I Jornadas sobre algoritmos evolutivos y bioinspirados (JAEM), Thomson, 2007. [BibTeX]
  editor={Alba, E. and Chicano, F. and Herrera, F. and Luna, F. and Luque, G. and Nebro, AJ},
  title = {Actas de las I Jornadas sobre Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados},
  year = {2007},
  publisher = {Thomson},
  month = {September},

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Book Chapters

A.J. Nebro, G. Luque, E. Alba, DNA fragment assembly using Grid systems. In El-Ghazali Talbi, Albert Y. Zomaya, eds.:Grid Computing for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. Chapter 15, pp. 357-374. Wiley 2008. [BibTeX]
  title = {Grid Computing for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology},
  editor={E-G. Talbi and A.Y. Zomaya}
  chapter = {7. DNA fragment assembly using Grid systems},
  author={A.J. Nebro and G. Luque and E. Alba},
  year = {2008},
  publisher = {Wiley},
  pages = {357-374},"

E. Alba, G. Luque, A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for the DNA Assembly Problem, C. Cotta and J. van Hemerd (Eds.), Recent Advances in Evolutionary Computation for Combinatorial Optimization, chapter 7, Springer, 2008 (to appear) [BibTeX]
  editor={C. Cotta and J. van Hemerd},
  author={Alba, and Luque},
  title = {Recent Advances in Evolutionary Computation for Combinatorial Optimization},
  chapter = {7. A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for the DNA Assembly Problem},
  year = {2008},
  publisher = {Springer},
  month = {(to appear)},

E. Alba, J.F. Saucedo, G. Luque, A Study of Canonical GAs for NSOPs, Doerner, K.F., Gendreau, M.; Greistorfer, P.; Gutjahr, W.; Hartl, R.F.; Reimann, M. (Eds.), MIC 2005 Post Conference Volume on Metaheuristics - Progress in Complex Systems Optimization, chapter 13, pp. 245-260, Springer, 2007. ISBN: 0-387-71919-4 [BibTeX]
  editor={Doerner, K.F.,  Gendreau, M. and Greistorfer, P. and Gutjahr, W. and Hartl, R.F. and Reimann, M.}
  title = {MIC 2005 Post Conference Volume on Metaheuristics - Progress in Complex Systems Optimization},
  author={Alba, E. and Saucedo, J.F. and Luque, G.},
  chapter={13. A Study of Canonical GAs for NSOPs},
  year = {2007},
  publisher = {Springer},
  pages = {245--260},

N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, S. Cahon, E. Alba, G. Luque, Parallel Metaheuristics: Algorithms and Frameworks, E-G. Talbi (ed.), Parallel Combinatorial Optimization, chapter 6, Wiley & Sons, Nov. 2006. ISBN: 0-471-72101-8 [BibTeX]
  editor={Talbi, E-G.},
  title = {Parallel Combinatorial Optimization},
  author={Melab, N. and Talbi, E-G., and Cahon, S. and Alba, E. Luque, G.},
  chapter = {6. Parallel Metaheuristics: Algorithms and Frameworks},
  year = {2006},
  publisher = {Wiley},  

E. Alba, G. Luque, Performance of Distributed GAs on DNA Fragment Assembly, Nedjah, N.; Alba, E.; Macedo Mourelle, L. de (Eds.), Parallel Evolutionary Computation, chapter 5, pp. 97- 116, Springer-Verlag, 2006. ISBN: 3-540-32837-8 [BibTeX]
  AUTHOR =       {E. Alba and G. Luque},
  editor =       {N. Nedjah and E. Alba and L. de Macedo Mourelle},
  TITLE =        {Parallel Evolutionary Computations},
  CHAPTER =      {5. Performance of Distributed {GAs} on {DNA} Fragment Assembly},
  pages =        {97--116},
  PUBLISHER =    {Springer-Verlag},
  YEAR =         {2006},
  ISBN =	 {3-540-32837-8}	

E. Alba, S. Khuri, G. Luque, Assembling DNA Fragments with a Distributed Genetic Algorithm, A. Y. Zomaya (eds.), Parallel Computing for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, chapter 12, pp. 285-302, Wiley & Sons, 2005. ISBN: 0-471-71848-3 (BibTeX). [BibTeX]
  AUTHOR =       {E. Alba and S. Khuri and G. Luque},
  editor =       {A.Y. Zomaya},
  TITLE =        {Parallel Computing for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology},
  CHAPTER =      {12. Assembling DNA Fragments with a Distributed Genetic Algorithm},
  pages =        {285--303},
  PUBLISHER =    {Wiley \& Sons},
  YEAR =         {2006},
  series =       {Wiley Series on Parallel and Distributed Computing}

E. Alba, J. F. Chicano, F. Luna, G. Luque, A.J. Nebro, Advanced Evolutionary Algorithms for Training Neural Networks, S. Olariu, A. Y. Zomaya. (eds.) Handbook of Bioinspired Algorithms and Applications, chapter 28, pp. 451-465, CRC Press, 2005. ISBN: 1-58488-475-4 [BibTeX]
  AUTHOR =       {E. Alba and J.F. Chicano and F. Luna and G. Luque and A.J. Nebro},
  editor =       {S. Olariu and A.Y. Zomaya},
  TITLE =        {Handbook of Bioinspired Algorithms and Applications},
  CHAPTER =      {28. Advanced Evolutionary Algorithms for Training Neural Networks},
  pages =        {453--467},
  PUBLISHER =    {{CRC} Press},
  YEAR =         {2006},
  ISBN =	 {1-58488-475-4}	

E. Alba, G. Luque, Measuring the Performance of Parallel Metaheuristics, E. Alba (ed.), Parallel Metaheuristics: A New Class of Algorithms, chapter 2, pp. 43-62, Wiley, 2005. ISBN: 0-471-67806-6 (BibTeX). [BibTeX]
  AUTHOR =       {E. Alba and G. Luque},
  editor =       {E. Alba},
  TITLE =        {Parallel Metaheuristics: A New Class of Algorithms},
  CHAPTER =      {2. Measuring the Performance of Parallel Metaheuristics},
  pages =        {43--62},
  PUBLISHER =    {Wiley},
  YEAR =         {2005},
  series =       {Wiley Series on Parallel and Distributed Computing}

E. Alba, E.-G. Talbi, G. Luque, N. Melab, Metaheuristics and Parallelism, E. Alba (ed.), Parallel Metaheuristics: A New Class of Algorithms, chapter 4, pp. 79-104, Wiley, 2005. ISBN: 0-471-67806-6 (BibTeX). [BibTeX]
  AUTHOR =       {E. Alba and E.-G. Talbi and G. Luque and N. Melab},
  editor =       {E. Alba},
  TITLE =        {Parallel Metaheuristics: A New Class of Algorithms},
  CHAPTER =      {4. Metaheuristics and Parallelism},
  pages =        {79--104},
  PUBLISHER =    {Wiley},
  YEAR =         {2005},
  series =       {Wiley Series on Parallel and Distributed Computing}

G. Luque, E. Alba, B. Dorronsoro, Parallel Genetic Algorithms, E. Alba (ed.), Parallel Metaheuristics: A New Class of Algorithms, chapter 5, pp. 107-126, Wiley, 2005. ISBN: 0-471-67806-6 (BibTeX). [BibTeX]
  AUTHOR =       {G. Luque and E. Alba and B. Dorronsoro},
  editor =       {E. Alba},
  TITLE =        {Parallel Metaheuristics: A New Class of Algorithms},
  CHAPTER =      {5. Parallel Genetic Algorithm},
  pages =        {107--126},
  PUBLISHER =    {Wiley},
  YEAR =         {2005},
  series =       {Wiley Series on Parallel and Distributed Computing}

E. Alba, J. F. Chicano, C. Cotta, B. Dorronsoro, F. Luna, G. Luque, A. J. Nebro, Metaheurísticas Secuenciales y Paralelas para Optimización de Problemas Complejos, G. Joya, M. Atencia, A. Ochoa, S. Allende (eds.), Optimización Inteligente: Técnicas de Inteligencia Computacional para Optimización, chapter 5, pp. 185-214, 2004, ISBN: 84-9747-034-6 [BibTeX]
  AUTHOR =       "E. Alba amd J.F. Chicano and C. Cotta and B. Dorronsoro and F. Luna and G. Luque and A.J.\ Nebro",
  TITLE =        "Optimizaci\'{o}n Inteligente: T\'{e}cnicas de Inteligencia Computacional para Optimizaci\'{o}n",
  CHAPTER =      "5. Metaheur\'{i}sticas Secuenciales y Paralelas para Optimizaci\'{o}n de Problemas Complejos",
  pages =        "185--214",
  PUBLISHER =    "Universidad de M\'{a}laga. Servicio de Publicaciones e Intercambio Cient\'{\i}fico",
  YEAR =         "2004",
  month =        "July",

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Conference Papers

José Ángel Morell Martínez, Zakaria Abdelmoiz Dahi, Francisco Chicano, Gabriel Luque, Enrique Alba, Optimising Communication Overhead in Federated Learning Using NSGA-II. EvoApplications 2022: 317-333

Zakaria Abdelmoiz Dahi, Gabriel Luque, Enrique Alba, A Machine Learning-Based Approach for Economics-Tailored Applications: The Spanish Case Study. EvoApplications 2022: 567-583

Zakaria Abdelmoiz Dahi, Francisco Chicano, Gabriel Luque, Enrique Alba:Genetic algorithm for qubits initialisation in noisy intermediate-scale quantum machines: the IBM case study. GECCO 2022: 1164-1172

Stefka Fidanova, Gabriel Luque, Olympia Roeva, Maria Ganzha, Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Workforce Planning: Influence of the Evaporation Parameter. FedCSIS 2019: 177-181

Amr Abdelhafez, Gabriel Luque, Enrique Alba, Analyzing the Energy Consumption of Sequential and Parallel Metaheuristics. HPCS 2019: 121-128

B. Dorronsoro, G. Luque, E. Alba, Un Algoritmo Genético Celular Híbrido para el Problema de Ensamblado de Fragmentos de ADN, In I Jornadas sobre Algoritmos Evolutivos y Metaheurísticas (JAEM), II Congreso Español de Informática (CEDI), pp. 203-210, Zaragoza, Spain, 2007. [BibTeX]
	AUTHOR       = {B. Dorronsoro and G. Luque and E. Alba},
	TITLE        = {Un Algoritmo Genético Celular Híbrido para el Problema de Ensamblado de Fragmentos de ADN},
	BOOKTITLE    = {I Jornadas sobre Algoritmos Evolutivos y Metaheurísticas (JAEM)},
	YEAR         = {2007},
	ADDRESS      = {Zaragoza, Spain},
	pages			 = {203--210},

G. Minetti, E. Alba, G. Luque, Variable neighborhood search for solving the DNA fragment assembly problem, In Procs. of CACIC, Argentina 2007. [BibTeX]
	AUTHOR       = {G. Minetti and E. Alba and G. Luque},
	TITLE        = {Variable neighborhood search for solving the DNA fragment assembly problem},
	YEAR         = {2007},
	ADDRESS      = {Corrientes y Resistencia, Argentina},
	MONTH        = {October}

E. Alba, G. Luque, A New Local Search Algorithm for the DNA Fragment Assembly Problem, In (eds.) Proceedings of EvoCOP’07, Valencia, Spain, LNCS 4446, pp. 1-12, April 2007. [BibTeX]
  author = {E. Alba and G. Luque},
  title = {A New Local Search Algorithm for the DNA Fragment Assembly Problem},
  booktitle = {Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization, EvoCOP'07},
  address = {Valencia, Spain},
  month = {April},
  publisher = {Springer},
  year = {2007},
  series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4446},
  pages = {1--12}

J. Madera, E. Alba, G. Luque, Performance Evaluation of the Parallel Polytree Approximation Distribution Algorithm on Three Network Technologies, In Procs. of CACIC, Argentina 2006. [BibTeX]
	AUTHOR       = {J. Madera and E. Alba and G. Luque},
	TITLE        = {Performance Evaluation of the Parallel Polytree Approximation Distribution Algorithm on Three Network Technologies},
	YEAR         = {2006},
	ADDRESS      = {San Luis, Argentina},
	MONTH        = {October}

E. Alba, G. Luque, Evaluation of Parallel Metaheuristics, In L. Paquete, M. Chiarandini and D. Basso (eds.), Proceedings of the EMAA, pp. 9-14, Reykjavik, Islandia, 2006 [BibTeX]
	AUTHOR       = {E. Alba and G. Luque},
	TITLE        = {Evaluation of Parallel Metaheuristics},
	YEAR         = {2006},
	PAGES        = {9--14},
	ADDRESS      = {Reykjavik, Iceland},
	MONTH        = {September}

E. Alba, G. Luque, F. Luna, Workforce Planning with Parallel Algorithms, In IEEE Proceedings of the IPDPS-NIDISC, p. 246, Rhodas, Greece, 2006. [BibTeX]
  author =       "E. Alba and G. Luque and F. Luna",
  title =        "{Workforce Planning with Parallel Algorithms}",
  booktitle =    "{IEEE Proceedings of the IPDPS-NIDISC}",
  pages =        "246",
  address =      "Rhodas, Greece",
  year =         "2006"

E. Alba, G. Luque, Sami Khuri, Assembling DNA Fragments with Parallel Algorithms, IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation CEC-05, pages 57 - 65, Edinburgh, UK, 2005. [BibTeX]
  author =       "E. Alba and G. Luque and S. Khuri",
  title =        "{Assembling DNA Fragments with Parallel Algorithms}",
  editor =       "D. Corne et al.",
  booktitle =    "{2005 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC-2005)}",
  pages =        "57-65",
  address =      "Edinburgh, UK",
  year =         "2005"

E. Alba, G. Luque, Theoretical Models of Selection Pressure for dEAs: Topology Influence, IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation CEC-05, pages 214 - 222, Edinburgh, UK, 2005. [BibTeX]
  author =       "E. Alba and G. Luque",
  title =        "{Theoretical Models of Selection Pressure for dEAs: Topology Influence}",
  editor =       "D. Corne et al.",
  booktitle =    "{2005 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC-2005)}",
  pages =        "214-222",
  address =      "Edinburgh, UK",
  year =         "2005"

E. Alba, G. Luque, Growth Curves and Takeover Time in Distributed Evolutionary Algorithms, In K. Deb et al., editors, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference GECCO-04, pages 864 - 876, LNCS 3102, Seattle, Washington, 2004. [BibTeX]
  author =       "E. Alba and G. Luque",
  title =        "{Growth Curves and Takeover Time in Evolutionary Algorithms}",
  editor =       "K. Deb et al.",
  booktitle =    "{Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2004)}",
  pages =        "864 - 876",
  series =       "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
  volume =       "3102",
  address =      "Seattle, Washington",
  year =         "2004"

L. Araujo, G. Luque, E. Alba, Metaheuristics for Natural Language Tagging, In K. Deb et al., editors, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference GECCO-04, pages 889 - 900, LNCS 3102, Seattle, Washington, 2004. [BibTeX]
  author =       "L. Araujo and G. Luque and E. Alba",
  title =        "{Metaheuristics for Natural Language Tagging}",
  editor =       "K. Deb et al.",
  booktitle =    "{Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2004)}",
  pages =        "889 - 900",
  series =	 "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
  volume = 	 "3102",
  address =      "Seattle, Washington",
  year =         "2004"

E. Alba, G. Luque, Parallel LAN/WAN Heuristics for Optimization, in IPDPS-NIDISC03, p. 147, Nize, France, 2003. [BibTeX]
  author    = {E. Alba and G. Luque},
  title     = "{Parallel LAN/WAN Heuristics for Optimization}",
  booktitle = "{IPDPS-NIDISC03}",
  pages     = "147",
  year      = {2003},
  address   = "Nize, France",

E. Alba, C. Coello, G. Luque, A. Hernández, Comparing Different Serial and Parallel Heuristics to Design Combinatorial Logic Circuits, NASA/DoD Conference on Evolvable Hardware, EH'03, Chicago, pages 3--12, 2003. [BibTeX]
  author    = {C. Coello and E. Alba and G. Luque and A. Hern\'andez},
  title     = "{Comparing Different Serial and Parallel Heuristics to Design Combinatorial Logic Circuits}",
  booktitle = "{NASA/DoD Conference on Evolvable Hardware, EH'03}",
  pages     = "3-12",
  year      = {2003},
  address   = "Chicago, USA",

E. Alba, J. Garcia-Nieto, G. Luque, Algoritmos Basados en C&uacte;mulos de Partículas para el Análisis de Microarrays de ADN, MAEB'07, pp. 419-426, Tenerife, España, Febrero 2007. [BibTeX]
  author = {E. Alba and J. Garcia-Nieto and G. Luque},
  title = {Algoritmos Basados en C\'umulos de Part\'iculas para el An\'alisis de Microarrays de ADN},
  booktitle = {Actas del {V} Congreso sobre Metaheur\'isticas, Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados (MAEB'07)},
  year = {2007},
  pages = {419--426},
  address = {Tenerife (Spain)},
  month = {Feb},  

E. Alba, M. Laguna, G. Luque, Workforce Planning with a Parallel Genetic Algorithm, In CEDI-MAEB'05, pages 911 - 919, Granada, España, 2005. [BibTeX]
@string{MAEB05 ={{IV Congreso Espa\~nol de Metaheur\'isticas,
Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados (MAEB05 - CEDI05)}}

  author =       "E. Alba and M. Laguna and G. Luque",
  title =        "{Workforce planning with a parallel genetic algorithm}",
  editor =       "M.G. Arenas and F. Herrera and M. Lozano and J.J. Merelo and G. Romero and A.M. S\'anchez",
  booktitle =    MAEB05,
  pages =        "919--919",
  address =      "Granada, Espa\~{n}a",
  year =         "2005"

E. Alba, J. F. Chicano, B. Dorronsoro, G. Luque, Diseño de Códigos Correctores de Errores con Algoritmos Genéticos, In C. Hervás, N. García, F. J. Martínez, D. Ortiz, and S. Ventura, editors, Actas del Tercer Congreso Español de Metaheurísticas, Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados (MAEB'04), pages 51-58, Córdoba, España, 2004. [BibTeX]
@string{MAEB04 = {Tercer Congreso Espa\~nol de Metaheur\'isticas,
Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados}}

  author =       "E. Alba and J. F. Chicano and B. Dorronsoro and G. Luque",
  title =        "{Dise\~no de C\'odigos Correctores de Errores con Algoritmos Gen\'eticos}",
  editor =       "C. Herv\'as and N. Garc\'ia and F. J. Mart\'inez and D. Ortiz and S. Ventura",
  booktitle =    MAEB04,
  pages =        "51--58",
  address =      "C\'ordoba, Espa\~{n}a",
  year =         "2004"

E. Alba, G. Luque, Algoritmos Híbridos y Paralelos para la Resolución de Problemas Combinatorios, in II Congreso Español sobre Metahurísticas, Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados (MAEB03), Gijón, España, pages 353-362, 2003. [BibTeX]
  author    = {E. Alba and G. Luque},
  title     = "{Algoritmos H\'ibridos y Paralelos para la Resoluci\'on de Problemas Combinatorios}",
  booktitle = "Actas del II Congreso Espa\~{n}ol de Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados ({MAEB03})",
  pages     = "353-362",
  year      = {2003},
  address   = "Gij\'on, Espa\~{n}a",

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Other Papers

G. Luque, Resolución de Problemas Combinatorios con Aplicación Real en Sistemas Distribuidos, PhD Thesis, University of Málaga, 2006. [BibTeX]
  AUTHOR     = {G. Luque},
  YEAR       = {2006},
  TITLE      = {Resoluci\'on de Problemas Combinatorios con Aplicaci\'on Real en Sistemas Distribuidos},
  SCHOOL     = {University of M\'alaga},

G. Luque, Esqueletos de Código para la Resolución de Problema Combinatorios en Sistemas Paralelos LAN y WAN, Master Thesis, University of Málaga, 2002. [BibTeX]
  AUTHOR     = {G. Luque},
  YEAR       = {2002},
  TITLE      = {Esqueletos de C\'odigo para la Resoluci\'on de Problema Combinatorios en Sistemas Paralelos LAN y WAN},
  SCHOOL     = {University of M\'alaga},

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