
NEO y Ayuntamiento de Fuengirola firman un convenio para mejorar y optimizar la seguridad en la ciudad

Best paper GECCO-MO track: "Evolutionary Algorithm based on Parallel Coordinates" C. Coello, R. Hernández, E. Alba. 2016

NEO diseña herramientas inteligentes para mejorar la movilidad vial en la ciudad

Best paper award at INCoS'16: Optimal Allocation of Public Parking Slots Using Evolutionary Algorithms

Best paper award at Gecco'16 (EMO): A multi-objective evolutionary algorithm based on parallel coordinates

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2014 Publications

Book Chapters

  • R. Lopez-Herrejon, J. Ferrer, F. Chicano, A.Egyed, and E.Alba Evolutionary Computation for Software Product Line Testing: An Overview and Open Challenges.


  • Abdelkamel Ben Ali, Gabriel Luque, Enrique Alba, and Kamal E. Melkemi. An improved problem aware local search algorithm for the DNA fragment assembly problem. Soft Computing, oct 2015.JCR impact factor = 1.271 position 65/123 in CS-AI (Q3) ISSN: 1432-7643

  • Hajer Ben-Romdhane, Enrique Alba, and Saoussen Krichen. Towards a dynamic modeling of the predator prey problem. Applied Intelligence, pages 1-16, nov 2015.

  • Yesnier Bravo, Gabriel Luque, and Enrique Alba. Global memory schemes for dynamic optimization.Natural Computing, may 2015.JCR impact factor = 0.757 position 65/102 in CS-T-M (Q3) ISSN: 1567-7818

  • Yesnier Bravo, Gabriel Luque, and Enrique Alba. Takeover Time in Evolutionary Dynamic Optimization: From theory to practice.Applied Mathematics and Computation, 250:94-104, jan 2015.JCR impact factor = 1.551 position 35/257 in MA (Q1) ISSN: 0096-3003

  • Francisco Chicano, Andrew M Sutton, L Darrell Whitley, and Enrique Alba.Fitness Probability Distribution of Bit-Flip Mutation. Evolutionary computation, 23(2):217-48, jan 2015.JCR impact factor = 2.366 position 24/123 in CS-AI (Q1)
    ISSN: 1063-6560

  • Javier Ferrer, Peter M. Kruse, Francisco Chicano, and Enrique Alba. Search based algorithms for test sequence generation in functional testing. Information and Software Technology, 58:419-432, feb 2015.JCR impact factor = 2.366 position 24/123 in CS-AI (Q1) ISSN: 1063-6560

  • José García-Nieto and Enrique Alba. Hybrid PSO6 for hard continuous optimization. Soft Computing, 19(7):1843-1861, jul 2015. JCR impact factor = 1.271 position 65/123 in CS-AI (Q3) ISSN: 1432-7643

  • Mark Harman and Francisco Chicano. Search Based Software Engineering (SBSE). Journal of Systems and Software, 103:266, may 2015.JCR impact factor = 1.352 position 33/104 in CS-SE (Q2) ISSN: 0164-1212

  • Santiago Iturriaga, Sergio Nesmachnow, Francisco Luna, and Enrique Alba.A parallel local search in CPU/GPU for scheduling independent tasks on large heterogeneous computing systems. The Journal of Supercomputing, 71(2):648-672, oct 2015.

  • Sergio Nesmachnow, Francisco Luna, and Enrique Alba. An empirical time analysis of evolutionary algorithms as C programs. Software: Practice and Experience, 45(1):111-142, jan 2015.

  • A. C. Olivera, J. M. García-Nieto, and E. Alba. Reducing vehicle emissions and fuel consumption in the city by using particle swarm optimization.Applied Intelligence, 42(3):389-405, oct 2015.

  • Martín Pedemonte, Francisco Luna, and Enrique Alba. Systolic genetic search, a systolic computing-based metaheuristic. Soft Computing, 19(7):1779-1801, jul 2015. JCR impact factor = 1.271 position 65/123 in CS-AI (Q3)
    ISSN: 1432-7643

  • Jamal Toutouh and Enrique Alba. Metaheuristics for energy-efficient data routing in vehicular networks.International Journal of Metaheuristics, 4(1):27, jan 2015.

  • Jamal Toutouh and Enrique Alba. Parallel multi-objective metaheuristics for smart communications in vehicular networks. Soft Computing, oct 2015. JCR impact factor = 1.271 position 65/123 in CS-AI (Q3) ISSN: 1432-7643

  • Andrea Villagra, Guillermo Leguizamón, and Enrique Alba. Active components of metaheuristics in cellular genetic algorithms. Soft Computing, 19(5):1295-1309, jun 2015. JCR impact factor = 1.271 position 65/123 in CS-AI (Q3)
    ISSN: 1432-7643


  • Sofiene Abidi, Saoussen Krichen, Enrique Alba, and Juan Miguel Molina. A New Heuristic for Solving the Parking Assignment Problem. 19th International Conference on Knowledge Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, volume 60, pages 312 321, 2015. ISSN: 1348-8503

  • Isabel Deí Aguila, José Del Sagrado, Francisco Chicano, and Enrique Alba.Resolviendo un problema multi-objetivo de selección de requisitos mediante resolutores del problema SAT. XX Jornadas en Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos, sep 2015. JISBD 2015

  • Enrique Alba.Intelligent Systems for Smart Cities. Proceedings of the Companion Publication of the 2015 on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference - GECCO Companion '15, pages 707-722, jul 2015. ACM Press.

  • Takwa Tlili, Francisco Chicano, Saoussen Krichen, and Enrique Alba. Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Partition Crossover (EAPX) for the Vehicle Routing Problem. 2015 International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems, pages 169-175. IEEE, sep 2015. ISBN: 978-1-4673-7694-5

  • Gabriela Ochoa, Francisco Chicano, Renato Tinós, and Darrell Whitley.Tunnelling Crossover Networks. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference - GECCO '15, pages 449-456, jul 2015. ACM Press. ISBN: 978-1-4503-3472-3

  • Javier Ferrer, Enrique Alba, and Francisco Chicano.Sistema Inteligente para la Recogida de Residuos en las Ciudades basado en Predicciones de Llenado. I Congreso Ciudades Inteligentes, pages 319-324, 2015.

  • Francisco Chicano and Francisco Durán.Mutantes como apoyo para la valoración de pruebas. Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática JENUI 2015, pages 264-271, jul 2015. ISBN: 978-99920-70-10-9

  • R. Tinós, D. Whitley, F. Chicano Partition Crossover for Pseudo-Boolean Optimization Foundations of Genetic Algorithms, FOGA 2015, Aberystwyth, UK, 2015
  • R. Saborido, F. Chicano Optimización Multi-objetivo Basada en Preferencias para la Planificación de Proyectos Software Congreso Español sobre Metaheurísticas, Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados, MAEB 2015, Mérida, Spain, 2015
  • F. Chicano, F. Arito, E. Alba Descomposición en Landscapes Elementales del Problema de Diseño de Redes de Radio con Aplicaciones Congreso Español sobre Metaheurísticas, Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados, MAEB 2015, Mérida, Spain, 2015
  • J. Ferrer, P. M. Kruse, F. Chicano, E. Alba Generación de Secuencias de Pruebas Funcionales con Algoritmos Bio-inspirados Congreso Español sobre Metaheurísticas, Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados, MAEB 2015, Mérida, Spain, 2015
  • Gabriel Luque and Enrique Alba.Parallel Hybrid Trajectory Based Metaheuristics for Real-World Problems.
    2015 International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems, pages 184-191. IEEE, sep 2015. ISBN: 978-1-4673-7694-5

  • Rubén Salado Cid, Gabriel Luque y Raúl Romero. Sistema de gestión de flujos de trabajo para la definición visual de aplicaciones basadas en algoritmos evolutivos. II Jornadas de Algoritmos Evolutivos y Metaheurísticas JAEM 2015

  • Daniel H. Stolfi and Enrique Alba.An Evolutionary Algorithm to Generate Real Urban Traffic Flows.
    CAEPIA 2015, volume 9422, pages 332-343, 2015. ISBN: 978-3-3192-4598-0

  • Daniel H. Stolfi and Enrique Alba.Smart Mobility Policies with Evolutionary Algorithms. Proceedings of the 2015 on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference GECCO '15, pages 1287-1294, jul 2015. ACM Press.

    ISBN: 978-1-4503-3472-3
  • Zeeshan Hameed Mir, Jamal Toutouh, Fethi Filali, and Enrique Alba.QoS-Aware Radio Access Technology (RAT) Selection in Hybrid Vehicular Networks. Communication Technologies for Vehicles, volume 9066 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 117-128, Cham, 2015. ISBN: 978-3-319-17764-9

  • Darrell Whitley.Blind no more: Constant Time non-Random Improving Moves and Exponentially Powerful Recombination. Proceedings of the 2015 on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference GECCO '15, pages 559-580, jul 2015. ACM Press. ISBN: 978-1-4503-2881-4

  • Darrell Whitley.MK Landscapes, NK Landscapes, MAX-kSAT: A Proof that the Only Challenging Problems are Deceptive. Proceedings of the 2015 on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference GECCO '15, pages 927-934, jul 2015. ACM Press. ISBN: 978-1-4503-3472-3

  • R Massobrio, J. Toutouh, S Nesmachnow, E. Alba. Smart placement of RSU for vehicular networks using multiobjective evolutionary algorithms. 2nd LA-CCI (Latin American) Congress on Computational Intelligence 1-6, 2015.

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