Networking and Emerging Optimization |
The NEO Research group works at the Deptarment of LCC from the University of Malaga (Spain). NEO is composed of both young and experienced members with the global target of solving multidisciplinary Real-World Problems of interest for our Society and Computer Science |
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Talks and Oral Presentations
Talks by visiting researchers
- Main Research Activities (LARODEC) (by S. Krichen)
- Hyper-heuristics and Optimization Inter-domain (by G. Ochoa)
- What Can We Learn From Evolutionary Optimisation (by Xin Yao)
- Main Research Activities (by L. Jourdan)
- Geometría Computacional (by M. Abellanas)
- Bioinformatics (by D. Merkle and S. Janson)
- Scatter Search & Path Relinking (by M. Laguna)
- Introduction to EDAs (by Alberto Ochoa)
- Gen. Steiner Problem (by S. Nesmachnow)
- Combinatorial Opt. (by Sami Khuri)
- Natural Lang. and EAs (by L. Araujo)
- EDA's (by Pedro Larrañaga)
- MOEA Applications (by Carlos Coello)
- Multi-Objective EAs (by Carlos Coello)
Our oral presentations from our group
- C. Cintrano, D.H. Stolfi, J. Toutouh, F. Chicano, E. Alba.CTPATH: A Real World System to Enable Green Transportation by Optimizing Environmentally Friendly Routing Paths
- C. Cintrano, E. Alba.Genetic Algorithms Running into Portable Devices: A First Aproach
- Ferrer, Javier; Chicano, Francisco; Lopez-Herrejon, Roberto Erick; Alba, Enrique. Aplicando programación lineal entera a la búsqueda de conjuntos de productos de prueba priorizados para líneas de productos software.
- D.H. Stolfi, R. Armas, E.Alba, H.Aguirre, K. Tanaka. Fine Tuning of Traffic in Our Cities with Smart Panels: The Quito City Case Study
- Ben-Smida, H. E., Krichen S., Chicano F., & Alba E.. Mixed Integer Linear Programming Formulation for the Taxi Sharing Problem
- Chicano, F., Whitley D., & Tinos R. Efficient Hill Climber for Constrained Pseudo-Boolean Optimization Problems.
- Chicano, F., Domínguez M. Ángel, del Águila I. María, del Sagrado J., & Alba E. Dos estrategias de búsqueda anytime basadas en programación lineal entera para resolver el problema de selección de requisitos
- Chicano, F., Search-Based Software Project Scheduling, 1st International Summer School on Search Based Software Engineering
- Y. Bravo, J. Ferrer, G. Luque, E. Alba. Smart Mobility by Optimizing the Traffic Lights: A new Tool for Traffic Control Centers
- Ferrer, J., Kruse P. M., Chicano F., & Alba E. Generación de secuencias de pruebas funcionales con algorithmos bio-inspirados
- D.H. Stolfi, E.Alba. Un Algoritmo Evolutivo para la Reducción de Tiempos de Viaje y Emisiones Utilizando Paneles LED
- D.H. Stolfi, E.Alba. Smart Mobility Policies with Evolutionary Algorithms: The Adapting Info Panel Case.
- D.H. Stolfi, E.Alba. An Evolutionary Algorithm to Generate Real Urban Traffic Flows
- Chicano, F., Arito F., & Alba E. Descomposición en Landscapes Elementales del Problema de Diseño de Redes de Radio con Aplicaciones
- Saborido, R., & Chicano F. Optimización multi-objetivo basada en preferencias para la planificación de proyectos software
- Del Águila, I., del Sagrado J., Chicano F., & Alba E. Resolviendo un problema multi-objetivo de selección de requisitos mediante resolutores del problema SAT
- García-Nieto J., Ferrer, J., Alba E. Optimising Traffic Lights with Metaheuristics: Reduction of Car Emissions and Consumption.
- Lopez-Herrejon, R. Erick, Ferrer J., Chicano F., Egyed A., & Alba E. Comparative analysis of classical multi-objective evolutionary algorithms and seeding strategies for pairwise testing of Software Product Lines.
- Lopez-Herrejon, R. Erick, Ferrer J., Chicano F., Haslinger E. Nicole, Egyed A., & Alba E. . A parallel evolutionary algorithm for prioritized pairwise testing of software product lines
- D.H. Stolfi, E.Alba. Eco-friendly Reduction of Travel Times in European Smart Cities
- Chicano, F. (2014). On the Application of SAT solvers for Search Based Software Testing
- Chicano, F., Whitley D., & Sutton A. M. Efficient identification of improving moves in a ball for pseudo-boolean problems
- L. Whitley, D., & Chicano F. Elementary Landscape Decomposition of the Hamiltonian Path Optimization Problem.
- D. H. Stolfi, E. Alba. Red Swarm: Smart Mobility in Cities with EAs.
- D. H. Stolfi., E. Alba. Reducing Gas Emissions in Smart Cities by Using then Red Swarm Architecture.
- J. García-Nieto. Emergent Optimization: Design and Applications in Telecommunications and Bioinformatics. PhD Thesis Dissertation.
- F. Chicano, Recent Research on Search Based Software Testing. CSU CS-Colloquium
- F. Chicano, G. Luque, E. Alba, Problem Understanding through Landscape Theory.
- F. Chicano, A. M. Sutton, L. D. Whitley, E. Alba , What Information Can We Obtain Using Landscape Theory?. Dagstuhl Seminar.
- F. Arito, F. Chicano and E. Alba, On the Application of SAT Solvers to the Test Suite Minimization Problem. SSBSE 2012
- F. Chicano and E. Alba, Teoría de landscapes en optimización combinatoria: resultados recientes y herramienta software. MAEB 2012
- F. Chicano, A. Cervantes, F. Funa, G. Recio, A Novel Multiobjective Formulation of the Robust Software Project Scheduling Problem. EvoApps 2012
- F. Chicano, E. Alba, Exact Computation of the Fitness-Distance Correlation for Pseudoboolean Functions with One Global Optimum. EvoCOP 2012
- F. Chicano, D. Whitley, E. Alba, Exact Computation of the Fitness-Distance Correlation for Pseudoboolean Functions with One Global Optimum. GECCO 2012
- F. Chicano, F. Daolio, G. Ochoa, S. Vérel, M. Tomassini, E. Alba, Local Optima Networks, Landscape Autocorrelation and Heuristic Search Performance. PPSN 2012
- J. García-Nieto, E. Alba, Enhancing the Urban Road Traffic with Swarm Intelligence: A Case Study of Cordoba City Downtown. ISDA 2011, pp. 368-373, Córdoba, Spain
- J. García-Nieto, E. Alba, Empirical Computation of the Quasi-optimal Number of Informants in Particle Swarm Optimization. GECCO 2011, pp. 147-154, Dublin, Ireland
- J. Toutouh, E. Alba, Optimizing OLSR in VANETS with Differential Evolution: A Comprehensive Study, In First ACM International Symposium on Design and Analysis of Intelligent Vehicular Networks and Applications (DIVANet’11), November, 2011, Miami, Florida, USA
- J. Toutouh, E. Alba, An Efficient Routing Protocol for Green Communications in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks In Proceedings of the 13th annual conference companion on Genetic and evolutionary computation (GECCO '11), Natalio Krasnogor (Ed.). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 719-726
- J. Toutouh, E. Alba, Performance Analysis of Optimized VANET Protocols in Real World Tests In Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2011 (IWCMC2011), July, 2011, Istanbul (Turkey)
- F. Chicano, E. Alba, Exact Computation of the Expectation Curves of the Bit-Flip Mutation using Landscapes Theory, GECCO 2011, pp. 2027-2034, Dublin, Ireland
- F.Chicano, J. Ferrer, E. Alba, Elementary Landscape Decomposition of the Test Suite Minimization Problem, SSBSE 2011, LNCS 6956, pp. 48-63, Szeged, Hungary
- F.Chicano, J. Ferrer, E. Alba, Comparing Metaheuristic Algorithms for Error Detection in Java Programs, SSBSE 2011, LNCS 6956, pp. 82-96, Szeged, Hungary
- F. Luna, D. González-álvarez, F. Chicano and M. A. Vega-Rodríguez, On the Scalability of Multi-Objective Metaheuristics for the Software Scheduling Problem, ISDA 2011, pp. 1110-1115, Córdoba, Spain
- J. Toutouh, J. García-Nieto, E. Alba, Configuración Óptima del Protocolo de Encaminamiento OLSR para VANETs Mediante Evolución Diferencial. Congreso Español de Metaheurísticos, Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados 2010 (MAEB'10), pp. 463-471, Septiembre 2010, Valencia, Spain
- F. Chicano, G. Luque, E. Alba, Elementary Landscape Decomposition of the Quadratic Assignment Problem, GECCO 2010, pp. 1425-1432, Portland, OR, USA
- Elementary Landscape Decomposition of Combinatorial Optimization Problems, Talk in Workshop Evolutionary Algorithms - Challenges in Theory and Practice, INRIA (Bourdeaux), 2010
- Elementary Landscape Decomposition of Combinatorial Optimization Problems, Talk in Dagstuhl seminar 10361: Theory of Evolutionary Algorithms. Schloss Dagstuhl, Germinay, 2010
- E. Alba, S. Luna, J. Toutouh, Accuracy and Efficiency in Simulating VANETs. In Modelling, Computation and Optimization in Information Systems and Management Sciences, pages 568–578, London, UK, 2008. Physica Verlag, Springer-Verlag
- F. Luna, A. J. Nebro, J. J. Durillo, E. Alba. Large-scale real-world automatic frequency planning in GSM networks using GrEA. Metaheuristics and Nature Inspired Computing 2008.
- J. J. Durillo, A.J. Nebro, C. A. Coello, F. Luna, E. Alba. A Comparative Study of the Effect of Parameter Scalability in Multi-Objective Metaheuristics. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary 2008.
- E. Alba, J. García-Nieto, J. Taheri and A. Zomaya. New Research in Nature Inspired Algorithms for Mobility Management in GSM Networks. EvoCOMNET 2008.
- J. Apolloni, G. Leguizamón, J. García-Nieto, E. Alba. Island Based Distributed Differential Evolution:An Experimental Study on Hybrid Testbeds. HIS 2008.
- F. Chicano, E. Alba, Finding Liveness Errors with ACO, World Conference on Computational Intelligence. WCCI 2008.
- F. Chicano, E. Alba, Searching for Liveness Property Violations in Concurrent Systems with ACO, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. GECCO08,
- F. Chicano, E. Alba, Ant Colony Optimization for Testing Concurrent Systems: Analysis of Scalability, International Conference on Metaheuristics and Nature Inspired Computing. META'08.
- E. Alba et al. Metaheuristic approaches for optimal broadcasting design in metropolitan MANETs. Eurocast 2007.
- F. Luna, E. Alba, A.J. Nebro, S. Pedraza. Evolutionary Algorithms for Real-World Instances of the Automatic Frequency Planning Problem in GSM Networks. EVOCOP 2007.
- E. Alba, J. García-Nieto and G. Luque. Algoritmos basados en cúmulos de partículas para el análisis de microarrays de ADN. MAEB 2007.
- E. Alba, J. García-Nieto, L. Jourdan and E.G. Talbi. Gene Selection in Cancer Classification using PSO/SVM and GA/SVM Hybrid Algorithms. CEC 2007.
- E. Alba, F. Chicano, Una Versión de ACO para Problemas con Grafos de muy Gran Extensión, Quinto Congreso de Metaheurísticas, Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados (MAEB 2007).
- E. Alba, F. Chicano, Ant Colony Optimization for Model Checking, Eleventh International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory. EUROCAST 2007.
- E. Alba, F. Chicano, Finding Safety Errors with ACO, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. GECCO07.
- E. Alba, F. Chicano, ACOhg: Dealing with Huge Graphs, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. GECCO07.
- E. Alba, F. Chicano. Evolutionary Algorithms in Telecommunications. MELECON 2006.
- E. Alba, F. Chicano, S. Janson, Testeo de Software con dos Técnicas Metaheurísticas, Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos, 2006.
- E. Alba, J. G. Nieto, F. Chicano, ROS: Servicio de Optimización Remota, Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos Sitges, Barcelona 2006.
- E. Alba, F. Chicano. Software Testing with Evolutionary Strategies. RISE 2005.
- E. Alba, J. F. Chicano, Management of Software Projects with GAs The 6th Metaheuristics International Conference (MIC-2005).
- E. Alba, J. F. Chicano, Training Neural Networks with GA Hybrid Algorithms Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2004).
- E. Alba, J. F. Chicano, Solving the Error Correctring Code Problem with Parallel Hybrid Heuristics Symposium on Applied Computing 2004 (SAC04).
- E. Alba, J. F. Chicano, B. Dorronsoro, G. Luque, Diseño de Códigos Correctores de Errores con Algoritmos Genéticos Congreso Español de Metaheurísticos, Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados 2004 (MAEB04).