VANET/ITS initiatives/projects
Here, we present a non-exhaustive list of projects and consortia related to VANET and ITS research.
- The CAR 2 CAR Communication Consortium is a non-profit industrial driven organisation initiated by European vehicle manufacturers supported by equipment suppliers, research organisations and other partners. The C2C-CC is dedicated to the objective of further increasing road traffic safety and efficiency by means of cooperative ITS with Inter-Vehicle Communications supported by Vehicle-2-Roadside Communications. The C2C-CC supports the creation of a European standard for future communicating vehicles spanning all brands. As a key contributor the C2C-CC works in close cooperation with the European and international standardisation organisations in particular ETSI TC ITS. - CARLINK Consortium "Wireless Traffic Service Platform for Linking Cars Project"
This is an Eureka Celtic initiative with the aim of developing an intelligent wireless traffic service platform between cars supported by wireless transceivers beside the road. The primary applications are real-time local weather data, urban transport traffic management, and urban information broadcasting. - DIRICOM Project: "Intelligent Design of Wireless Communication Networks"
It is financed by the Spanish regional Ministry for Innovation, Science and Business. The aim of this project is to tackle wireless networks design problems using intelligent techniques, mainly metaheuristics. In particular, they are referring new ad hoc networks (MANETs, VANETs, and WSN). - SEISCIENTOS "Providing adaptive ubiquitous services in vehicular contexts"
The work proposed in this project is aimed at creating a framework that meets the needs for communication and for the infrastructure to provide dedicated services to end-user in ubiquitous vehicular environments. - WiSafeCar "Wireless traffic Safety network between Cars"
The overall aim of this project is to develop a reliable wireless traffic service platform to improve traffic safety, avoid traffic accidents, and provide variety of new type of services to vehicles. This objective will be achieved by means of secure data collection from vehicles and fixed stations, secure dissemination of data between vehicles, and make use of such data for real-time transport service applications. The motivation of this project proposal came from Celtic's earlier project, CARLINK. - MARTA "Mobility and Automotion through Advanced Transport Networks"
It is approved by CDTI (Spanish Goverment Center for Development and Technolgy for Industry) as part of a by the Spanish Goverment to foster Investigation and Development in Spain .Its main objective is to study the scientific bases and technologies of ITS. The areas of focus for the Project include safety, efficiency, and sustainability. - The COMeSafety Project supports the eSafety Forum with respect to all issues related to vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communications as the basis for co-operative intelligent road transport systems. - Coopers "CO-OPerative SystEms for Intelligent Road Safety"
COOPERS focuses on the development of innovative telematics applications on the road infrastructure with the long term goal of a âCo-operative Traffic Managementâ between vehicle and infrastructure, to reduce the self opening gap of the development of telematics applications between car industry and infrastructure operators. - CVIS "Cooperative Vehicle-Infrastructure Systems"
CVIS aims to design, develop and test new technologies needed to allow vehicles to communicate with each other and with the nearby roadside infrastructure. - eSafetySupport
eSafety Support actively assists transport stakeholders in their efforts to increase public awareness of the enormous impact intelligent vehicle safety systems, so called eSafety systems, can have on road safety. The main aim is to contribute to the European Commissionâs 2001 goal of halving the number of fatalities on Europeâs roads by 2010. - EVITA "E-Safety Vehicle Intrusion Protected Applications"
The objectives of the EVITA project are to design, to verify, and to prototype building blocks for automotive on-board networks where security-relevant components are protected against tampering and sensitive data are protected against compromise. Thus, the EVITA project will provide a basis for the secure deployment of car-to-car communication. - GST "Global System for Telematics"
The EU-funded Integrated Project is creating an open and standardised end-to-end architecture for automotive telematics services.
The purpose is to create an environment in which innovative telematics services can be developed and delivered cost-effectively, and hence to increase the range of economic telematics services available to manufacturers and consumers. - GeoNet "Geographic addressing and routing for vehicular communications"
GeoNet shall bring the basic results from the work of the CAR 2 CAR Communication Consortium to the next step, by further improving these specifications and creating a baseline software implementation interfacing with IPv6. The goal of GeoNet is thus to implement and formally test a networking mechanism as a standalone software module which can be incorporated into Cooperative Systems. - iTETRIS
The EU-FP7 project iTETRIS (An Integrated Wireless and Traffic Platform for Real-Time Road Traffic Management Solutions) develops an evaluation platform for large-scale, long-term simulations of cooperative traffic management applications. The platform combines traffic and communications simulation in a closed-loop which allows detailed analyses of effects and performance of cooperative applications on traffic flow, travel time, emissions, etc. - NOW: Network On Wheels
NoW is a German research project which is supported by Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The main objectives are to solve technical key questions on the communication protocols and data security for Car-2-Car Communications and to submit the results to the standardization activities of the CAR 2 CAR Communication Consortium, which is an initiative of major European car manufacturers and suppliers. - PRE-DRIVE C2X the European project prepares a large scale field trial for vehicular communication technology. Based on the European COMeSafety architecture for a vehicle to x communication system, the project develops a detailed specification for such a system and a functionally verified prototype. The prototype will be robust enough to be used in future field operational tests. - PReVENT "PReVENTive and Active Safety Applications"
PReVENT will develop, test and evaluate safety related applications, using advanced sensor and communication devices integrated into on-board systems for driver assistance. - SAFESPOT "Smart Vehicles on Smart Roads"
Autonomous vehicle based safety systems are limited by the field of view of their sensors. Cooperative systems using communication between vehicles and in the infrastructure via can considerably enhance this field of view, thus leading to a breakthrough for road safety.
- SEVECOM "SEcure VEhicle COmmunication"
Sevecom is an EU-funded project that focuses on providing a full definition and implementation of security requirements for vehicular communications. - Safe Intelligent Mobility â Test Area Germany (SIM-TD)
From the lab to the roads "Green lightâ for the worldâs largest field test of vehicle-vehicle and vehicle-infrastructure communication Innovations for traffic safety and mobility