Evaluation Server
As we have seen in the Communication Protocols section of this guide, the evaluation protocol for the solutions is common to all the libraries, but the protocol of application of operators is not. Consequently, if the library you are integrating can not get adjusted to the two available protocols or if you want to implement your own protocol, the MATLABServer class must be modified, in particular the attendOperator method of its member class Daemon. This method receives a byte identifying the library; its value must be checked before following the corresponding protocol. It is this part of the code the one that has to be modified so that the server takes into account the identifier of the new library and applies its specific protocol. Let’s imagine you want to implement the protocol of a new library MyLibrary, which will be identified by number 3. The part of the code you change in the server would look like this:
Figure 5: Modification of attendOperator to implement a new protocol.