The following software needs to be installed to be able to use the toolbox in a fully functional way:
- MATLAB: The toolbox has been developed and tested with MATLAB version 6.5. Nevertheless, it should work with later versions.
- Java: The toolbox has been tested with the versions 1.4.2 and 1.5.0 of the Java Virtual Machine without any problem. The last version of the JDK (Java Development Kit) can be found here.
- SSH: Any execution of the toolbox involving various machines (distributed execution, remote server, etc.) requires a SSH server (Secure Shell Server) installed and running in all the computers. The computer running the toolbox must use an SSH client to communicate with the others. A free version of SSH including both a server and a client is OpenSSH, which can be obtained here.
- MPI: The MALLBA library needs an implementation of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) to be installed, specifically MPICH, which can be obtained free here.
- AppleSeeds: MALLBA needs this library when communicating with the toolbox.