Categories: News
Both Zakaria Abdelmoiz DAHI and Francisco CHICANO have been accepted as members of the working group N° 3 of the EU COST Action CA22137 Randomised Optimisation Algorithms Research Network (ROAR-NET). The project will last from Read more…
The NEO members Zakaria A. DAHI, Francisco Chicano and Gabriel Luque together with Bilel Derbel from the INRIA research center (France) are organising the 2nd edition of the Quantum Artificial Intelligence special session that will take place at the IEEE 2024 Congress Read more…
Happy to announce the release of Ψ-Rep: a repository for quantum computer simulators. It is based on a previously published work of NEO members: Zakaria Abdelmoiz DAHI, Enrique Alba, Francisco Chicano, Gabriel Luque and Rodrigo Gil-Merino. The goal Read more…