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NEO in EU COST Action CA22137

Both Zakaria Abdelmoiz DAHI and Francisco CHICANO have been accepted as members of the working group N° 3 of the EU COST Action CA22137 Randomised Optimisation Algorithms Research Network (ROAR-NET). The project will last from 02/10/2023 to 01/10/2027. More details can be found on this LINK.

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Quantum Computer Simulator Repository

Happy to announce the release of Ψ-Rep: a repository for quantum computer simulators. It is based on a previously published work of NEO members: Zakaria Abdelmoiz DAHI, Enrique Alba, Francisco Chicano, Gabriel Luque and Rodrigo Gil-Merino. The goal is to provide an archive keeping track of advances in the field and assisting practitioners in choosing the most convenient…

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NEO Paper in GECCO’23 Conference

Francisco Chicano, Zakaria Abdelmoiz DAHI and Gabriel Luque, members of the NEO research group have been accepted a paper on quantum computing titled “An Efficient QAOA via a Polynomial QPU-Needless Approach” in the second edition of the workshop on Quantum Optimisation within the prestigious Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) in Lisbon on July 15-19, 2023.

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NEO Papers Accepted in CAEPIA

10 scientific works of the NEO group have been accepted in the 19th edition of the Conference of the Spanish Association of Artificial Intelligence (CAEPIA). Here is a pick of some of them: A Survey on Quantum Computer Simulators: Zakaria Abdelmoiz Dahi, Enrique Alba, Rodrigo Gil-Merino, Francisco Chicano and Gabriel Luque. Quantum Computing: Present and…

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A New GPU Infrastructure for AI

The new Exascale Laboratory will allow enhanced research and high quality publications for NEO ! https://www.diariosur.es/cronica-universitaria/laboratorio-exaescalable-infraestructura-20210420000449-ntvo.html

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Paper selected for Editor’s Choice of EJOR

The paper “Incorporating Decision-Maker’s Preferences into the AutomaticConfiguration of Bi-Objective Optimisation Algorithms” was selected as one of the Editor’s Choice Articles of the European Journal of Operational Research (Q1/IF:4.213), January, 2021.

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Nomination for best conference papers in EvoStar 2021

Two articles of the group have been nominated as best paper in EvoCOP: Hybridization of Racing Methods with Evolutionary Operators for Simulation Optimization of Traffic Lights Programs Christian Cintrano, Javier Ferrer, Manuel López-Ibáñez and Enrique Alba and EvoApps: Improving Efficiency and Diversity by Using Metaheuristics plus Integer Linear Programming Miguel Ángel Domínguez Ríos, Francisco Chicano…

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Outstanding Students of EvoStar 2021

Two of the doctoral students in our group: Christian Cintrano and Miguel Ángel Domínguez Ríos, have been nominated as Oustanding Students in EvoStar due to the good scores obtained in their papers. http://www.evostar.org/2021/outstanding-students-of-2021/

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Evolución natural para regular los semáforos: Fundación Descubre, La Opinion, Sur, 20 minutos, Europa Press

https://fundaciondescubre.es/noticias/aplican-algoritmos-basados-en-la-evolucion-natural-para-regular-los-semaforos-de-las-ciudades-y-evitar-atascos/ https://www.laopiniondemalaga.es/malaga/2020/06/23/disenan-uma-sistema-regular-semaforos/1173838.html https://www.diariosur.es/malaga-capital/investigadores-disenan-sistema-20200623142943-nt.html https://www.20minutos.es/noticia/4300944/0/investigadores-de-la-uma-disenan-un-sistema-para-regular-los-semaforos-y-reducir-atascos-y-contaminacion/ https://www.europapress.es/andalucia/malaga-00356/noticia-investigadores-uma-disenan-sistema-inteligente-regular-semaforos-reducir-atascos-contaminacion-20200623092517.html

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Eco-IoT en la prensa: Europa Press, La Opinión, ABC, La Vanguardia

https://www.europapress.es/andalucia/malaga-00356/noticia-disenan-contenedores-inteligentes-reducir-reutilizar-residuos-plastico-hoteles-20200615145133.html https://www.laopiniondemalaga.es/malaga/2020/06/16/disenan-contenedor-inteligente-residuos-plasticos/1172275.html https://agencias.abc.es/noticia.asp?noticia=3407255 https://www.lavanguardia.com/tecnologia/20200615/481789164734/disenan-un-contenedor-inteligente-para-reducir-residuos-plasticos-en-hoteles.html

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Firma de convenio con el Ayuntamiento de Fuengirola para mejorar y optimizar la seguridad en la ciudad

La Universidad de Málaga y el Ayuntamiento de Fuengirola firmaron ayer un convenio de colaboración para avanzar en la investigación aplicada de las ciudades inteligentes. En concreto, con este acuerdo se busca beneficiar a los ciudadanos de Fuengirola con los resultados en I+D+i del grupo de investigación de la UMA ‘NEO’, relacionados con la  aplicación de…

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Europa Press: Reseña prensa


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Premio en INCoS 2016

Premio INCoS 2016 al mejor trabajo por Optimal Allocation of Public Parking Slots Using Evolutionary Algorithms, realizado por J. Arellano y E. Alba

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Best Paper en GECCO 2016

Premio GECCO-MO track al mejor trabajo por A Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm based on Parallel Coordinates, realizado por C. Coello, R. Hernández, E. Alba. 2016

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RNE Programa Ciudadano García: Entrevista al Doctor Alba (2:15)


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Premio “Juan López de Peñalver”

Premio “Juan López de Peñalver” Área de Ingeniería y Arquitectura FGUMA (accésit), por el trabajo Optimal Cycle Program of Traffic Lights With Particle Swarm Optimization por J.M. García-Nieto, C. Olivera y E. Alba

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Second prize in the Doctoral Consortium 2013

Second prize awarded by the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence (AEPIA) in the Doctoral Consortium 2013 to Jamal Toutouh in recognizing the studies in his PhD Thesis “Natural Computing in Vehicular Networks”. 2013

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Premio extraordinario de doctorado

La tesis doctoral “Metaheurísticas e Ingeniería del Software” realizada por Francisco Chicano y dirigida por Enrique Alba ha sido galardonada con el premio extraordinario de doctorado de la Universidad de Málaga. 2011

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Premio a la mejor tesis doctoral

Premio a la mejor tesis doctoral concedido por la Academia Nacional de Ingeniería de Uruguay realizada por Sergio Nesmachnow y dirigida por E. Alba y H. Cancela, titulada “Parallel evolutionary algorithms for scheduling on heterogeneous computing and grid environments”.2010

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Premio “Juan López de Peñalver” 2009

III EDICIÓN DE LOS PREMIOS DE INVESTIGACIÓN DE LA FUNDACIÓN GENERAL DE LA UMA. Premio “Juan López de Peñalver” al mejor trabajo publicado en el área de Tecnologías e Ingenierías. F. Luna, A. J. Nebro, E. Alba, J. J. Durillo, Solving large-scale real-world telecomunication problems using a grid-based genetic algorithm, 40(11):1067-1084, 2008

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Premio “Juan López de Peñalver” 2008

II EDICIÓN DE LOS PREMIOS DE INVESTIGACIÓN DE LA FUNDACIÓN GENERAL DE LA UMA. Accésit al premio “Juan López de Peñalver” al mejor trabajo publicado en el área de Tecnologías e Ingenierías. F. Luna, A. J. Nebro, E. Alba, Observations in Using Grid-enabled Technologies for Solving Multi-objective Optimization Problems. Parallel Computing, 32(5): 377-393, 2006.

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Best Paper GECCO 2008

PREMIO INTERNACIONAL al mejor artículo de la sesión Search-Based Software Engineering en la conferencia GECCO 2008. GECCO 2008 Best Paper Awards. F. Chicano, E. Alba, Searching for Liveness Property Violations in Concurrent Systems with ACO, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO08), pp. 1727-1734, Atlanta, USA

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Premio “DIARIO EL PAÍS” 01/02

Dirección del PFC ganador del premio “DIARIO EL PAÍS” 01/02 titulado Esqueletos de Código para la Resolución de Problemas Combinatorios en Sistemas Paralelos LAN y WAN. 2002

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